t w e l e v e

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March 13th 2017,
Today I interacted with somebody I normally wouldn't. He's a lot different than boy "number one." I don't know why I even bothered to talk to him, I guess he has what I've been looking for. He acted like a totally new person around me, which caught my interest immediately. I'm sure he's already falling madly in love with me, what a sucker. Soon he'll be putty in my hands, as long as he can get me what I asked for. I have a feeling this could be interesting. He isn't bad looking either, which helps. Out of all the people I asked, everyone said he was the boy to go to. I hope he doesn't let me down. We'll see.

I shake my head as a small sigh escapes my lips. Here's boy number two. This entry actually peaks my interest. What was Amanda looking for? Why was he "the boy to go to?" I flip to the next page and eagerly wait to find out more about him.

March 20th 2017,
Of course he wanted something, smart kid. I've never had to deal with somebody who plays games like I do. He said he'll only give me what I want if we sleep together once a week. Horny bastard, making deals with the devil. I guess I'll agree to it, just because I want what he can offer me. I don't want anybody to find out what I'm doing with him so I need to make him swear to secrecy. My parents already had a suspicion and threatened to send me off to boarding school. He told me to come over tomorrow night, I'm going to lie to the girls and tell them that my mom needs some help around the house. I can't wait to start this little game of cat and mouse with this naive boy.

Before I can read another page the loud sound of a car horn beeps from my driveway. I get up and bury the diary into my school bag before looking in the mirror.

A purple sweater and yoga pants take up my attire, with light brown boots placed on my feet. I grab my purse and jacket before rushing out the front door. This is a terrible idea. I know I shouldn't be going with Grayson, but I feel comfortable with him. I know he didn't kill Amanda because of the note and the picture of us in the library.

He's the only person I put my full trust in, I always did. I climb into the passenger seat of his car and turn my body to look at him.

"I have a bad feeling about this." I gulp as I buckle my seatbelt.

"I'm going to drop you off at Jeremy's house first and then I'm going to drive around the block twice. Everybody will be too preoccupied to notice." He explains as he pulls out of my driveway.

I simply nod and stay quiet, looking out the window at the houses that we pass by.

"Are you going to tell me the truth?" His forward tone asks me.

"About what?" I look back at him.

"The leaked photos. Did you do it?" He keeps his eyes straight ahead, but I know he wants to look at me.

"It's complicated." I mutter as I lean my head against the window.

"Rachel, is somebody threatening you?" His voice is low, almost as if he's scared somebody is going to hear us.

I look down and keep my focus on my hands. I want to tell him the truth but the note says otherwise. "No." I shake my head.

He doesn't say a word. He simply grips onto the steering wheel and keeps his eyes on the road in front of him.

"Are you going to the homecoming dance tomorrow?" I try to make small talk.

"I don't want to. Going without a date isn't exactly ideal." He sighs as he glances at me.

"So what? Having a date is lame anyway." A small laugh escapes my lips.

"Aren't you going with Ethan?" Confusion takes over his face.

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