t w e n t y

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January 7th 2018,
It's been three months talking to number three, and I think he's planning on making it official soon. I still haven't told anybody that we have been secretly seeing each other, I like that we have our own intimate moments. Even having sex with him feels different, it feels more special. He's the only guy that I've slept with since we met. The only issue is number two is really getting on my nerves again. He keeps trying to get me to buy weed and I keep saying no. I can't escape him even if I wanted to, he's super closer to me all the time. He's just jealous because I told him I liked somebody else. He got all pissed off and he doesn't stop blowing up my phone. God, I hate needy men (or should I say boys.)

Ever since I received my newest note, I have read endless pages about boy number three. Amanda really liked him, so much that she thought she was falling in love.

She wanted to make it official but for some reason they never did. Boy number two is still a mystery. He seems to be infatuated with her and she was clearly getting annoyed. I continue on with my morning reading, flipping to the next page.

January 19th 2018,
Number two caught me with number three today. We were kissing behind the staircase and he interrupted us. He followed me around calling me a slut, which makes zero sense. He's the one who wanted to sleep with me and use my body as his enjoyment. Our whole relationship was shady to begin with. He threatened to expose me for buying drugs, silly boy doesn't know what he's up against. The only reason he won't say shit is because I already have dirt on him. Unfortunately I don't want to expose him because I'm too loyal to other people I care about. I just want to forget about my past and focus on my future with number three.

My mind keeps going back to the day Detective Martin questioned all of us. He asked me specifically if there was anybody that Amanda was afraid of. I didn't know what to say, so I simply said no. Now I have a feeling boy number two could have been the answer to that eerie question.

Amanda swings the front door open and lets out a breath, stepping to the side to let me in.

"Hello to you too." I laugh as I step into her house.

"I'm having a weird day." She mutters as she shuts the door.

"You asked me to come over, here I am." I furrow my eyebrows as I stare at her. "What's up?"

"Nothing, my parents went out to dinner with my grandpa and I didn't want to be home alone." She casually shrugs as she goes upstairs.

"That's a first. What? No hot mystery boy to sneak over?" I giggle as I follow her to her neat bedroom.

"Funny." She shakes her head as she closes her blinds.

I pull my puffy jacket off my body and hang it up behind her door. "How hard was that Italian homework? I don't think I did it right." I lay down on her bed as she peers out the window.

"Huh?" She looks back at me.

"Are you okay?" I tilt my head as I stare at her.

"Yeah, of course." She smiles as she sits down next to me.

"I heard Mr. Porter caught Kelsey and Ethan in the make out closet after third period. How embarrassing?" I roll my eyes.

"Of course she would get caught, she's a dumb bitch." Amanda scoffs at the mention of her name.

"I seriously need a boy." I mutter as I stare up at the ceiling. "It's the middle of junior year and I'm still a virgin."

"You're just a late bloomer, it happens." She shrugs as she looks down at her phone.

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