Chapter 25

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Hazel's sobs and the sound of a chains clanging together is all that can be heard

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Hazel's sobs and the sound of a chains clanging together is all that can be heard. The rogues wrap the silver chains around her wrists in attempt to weaken her. Hazel doesn't care though. She couldn't stop starring at Quinton's lifeless body just meters away from her. He hasn't moved an inch, since he hit the ground.  Hazel felt the pain run through his chest in her own... it hurt like hell. Imagine your chest going up in flames on the inside and it burning its way to the outside. That's how it felt to her.

Hazel looks a state, she's covered in blood her own and others. The wound on her arm has finally closed itself over after what felt like forever, and hot tears stain her cheeks making her eyes red, swollen and blotchy.

Drifting her eyes away from Quinton, she looks over to Ezra and Hays having a hushed conversation in the corner of the room. Her lip quivers. Hazel can't look at Ezra without hatred following it. He did this to Quinton. He killed his best friend. Scanning the room her eyes move past the rogues standing around. Her eyes widen as she spots a small face looking through the window. Darcy! 

Darcy stares back at her with wide eyes, as if she was trying to send her a message through them. Hazel squints and could see Darcy face is red and looks like she's been crying. Hays starts walking towards Hazel, she gulps as he stops in front of her bending down to her level. "Hazel you will listen to me or there will be consequences. We have all of what's left in each pack, gathered in two halls, one here and one at Dustfall. You are their leader and you will stand up in front of them and tell them this land is mine, and I am their new alpha or else."

"Or else what?" Hazel spits back at him. "You've already destroyed everything!"

Hays stands up off the floor and nods towards his men. Four of the men disappear out of the room, this causes Hazel's breath hitches. Hazel thinks back to all the people she cares for. A scream of frustration could be heard from the another room, and some shouting from the rogues. It falls silent... until two people are dragged into the room. Catrina screams out Hazel's name. Hazel's heart skips a beat in fear. The person behind her stays silent a part from the odd sob here and there. Her mother. "You see Hazel you can save the new mother, and your mother by just agreeing to this. Otherwise, they will end up like poor Quinton," Hazel growls at Hays. "Now Hazel, that's not the way to treat your alpha."

"Only on one condition," Hays waits for her to continue, the evil grin growing on his face. "You let Catrina and her family go back to Noah's pack, along with my mother."

"Fine by me," he looks over to the women. "As long as they don't try anything." Hazel looks over to both of them, her eyes begging for them to just leave and don't cause a scene. Catrina wants to scream, shout, kick and give off, but she can't do that at the risk of getting killed. She will not leave Edwin. Hazel gulps once again, her eyes landing on her distraught mother. "Send them to Eastside pack in the van. Make sure they arrive safely, Noah is already in it with the child. "

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