Chapter 26

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After Hazel spotted her, Darcy sprinted away in hope she could find someone who could help her

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After Hazel spotted her, Darcy sprinted away in hope she could find someone who could help her. With Hazel trapped and Alonzo dead she doesn't know who to turn to or what to do? She's third in command not an alpha or a beta, they normally tell her what to do and where to go. At this point Darcy ran around blindly with blurry vision and an upset stomach.  She couldn't find anyone. Most of the members of her pack lay dead or are nowhere to be seen.

A strong sent hit her nose and she tenses up. The sent is sweet and calms her slightly. Darcy looks round her and comes face-to-face with the blue eyed rogue, her heart beginning to fill with a little bit of joy. He doesn't move he stares at her. "You shouldn't be here," he finally speaks after what felt like hours. Darcy blinks, but stays completely silent. "You have to go back."

"Go back?"

"Yeah, you should be in the hall," he takes a step towards Darcy. "That's where everyone else is. I don't understand how you got out," he mutters the last part to himself walking over to her and grabbing her arm. Sparks rush up and down her arm. "You'll get yourself killed if your not careful."

Darcy tumbles slightly as he yacks her along. "Where's Hazel?" She asks looking up to him, but he doesn't make eye contact with her.

"With Hays, getting ready to do her speech."

"Speech?" Darcy echoes furrowing her eyebrows. Again the blue eyed rogue stays silent. Squinting her eyes she begins to take in what he looks like. His hair is pushed away from his face and is the colour of dark wet mud, with a pale completion and stumble along his sharp jaw. His build is well formed, clearly from a lot of training and his grip is strong around her arm. Butterflies flutter in her stomach and she curses herself as she knows this is not the time, or place to have feelings for anyone. "What's your name?"

"Lee," he hesitates and Darcy forces her smile down by rolling her lips. "What's yours?" he asks as the pack hall comes into view.

"Darcy," she tells him. As they get closer to the hall, Darcy struggles to pull herself together as another set of fresh tears fall onto her cheeks, as the picture of Alonzo enters her mind again. She squeezes her eyes closed trying to shake those images away. They reach the hall and the guard opens the door taking Darcy's other arm, they both bring her inside to where all her pack members stand. Some are sitting and the injured are lying down on the floor. Her eyes drift over everyone's concerned expressions. Everyone stares back at her looking for some answers and wanting her help. Darcy's eyes land on her mother who stands with a relieved look at the sight of her daughter. Shaking the two rogues arms off her, Darcy rushes over to her mother pulling her into a hug. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine Darcy, but I can't say the same for the others," Darcy's eyes float away from her mother's worried expression, and looks around the room again. "Where's Hazel and Alonzo?" Darcy shakes her head, looking back over to her mother who has a horrified expression. "There dead?" she whispers.

"No-yes. I'm pretty sure Hazel is ok, but Alonzo is dead," her mother stays silent pulling her back into a hug. "Where's Dad?"

"He's here somewhere helping people." Darcy's father has been a doctor for around twenty years now and is one of the main doctors in the pack. "Sweetheart you should go look to see who's here," her mother states trying to not say who's left. Darcy forces a smile and begins to walk around greeting back members.

"When will we attack?" a voice asks behind her.

"What?" Darcy says whipping round looking at a group of pack warriors. "You will not be attacking!"


"-No. I don't know if you've noticed, but your alpha and beta are nowhere to be seen. You will not attack, because they have Hazel hostage. We are also way out numbered. They have bullets and weapons we'd be dead in minutes," she takes a deep breath running her temples. "For now please just look after the pack members that are left. Ok?" They nod and hurry away from their third in command. Darcy can feel eyes on her and she slowly scans the room finding the blue pair. He stares back at her intensely. Darcy feels the world stopping, she quickly rips her gaze away, finding the floor suddenly intriguing. Taking another deep breath she runs her hands through her hair. A pair of shoes suddenly enter her view and she looks up finding the owner of the shoes to be Lee.

"Darcy-" he cuts himself off looking away from her. He began to think what was he doing talking to her? She's the enemy. He scrunches up in distaste. Darcy blinks looking at him, wandering why he stopped talking?

"What?" She asks with a look of pure confusion. Darcy pushes a piece of hair behind her, then wraps her arm around her body, holding onto her other arm for some security. He still doesn't say anything as he stands in front of her, looking to be in deep thought.

Suddenly, the door flies open to show some rogues and one huge vargulf surrounding Hazel. With wide eyes Darcy stares at her. Her head is tilted down ways and her dark hair covers her face like a pair of curtains. Hazel looks completely defeated. Darcy eyes drift away from Hazel and can see Ezra standing behind her with a stern look. He doesn't meet anyone's eyes he just looks straight ahead. This causes Darcy to frown.

Not so proud then.

They guide Hazel towards the stage and she hesitantly makes her way up into the stage with two Rogues following behind. Hazel takes in a shakes breath and stands up in front of her pack. They all stand with hopeful expressions as they watch their Alpha.

Hazel closes her eyes knowing she is about to crush all hope.

I think there should be two more parts or so to go!
Hope you are enjoying!

Please vote and share as my aim is 1k reads.

Thank you all!

-Lauren xx

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