Sunday || 10:00 a.m.

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What the Hell Did I Do?

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What the Hell Did I Do?

The sun was creeping in through the blinds on the window above the bed in which Veronica and the mystery man lay. She rolls a little in her sleep, her min groggy from the endless amounts of shots she took from the night before.

"I swear to god," she muttered, propping herself up, "If I get sick right now I'll just off myself."

She slowly stood up, slightly cracking her eyes to see her surroundings. When she was sure her head wouldn't explode from the overload of sensations all around her, she opened them fully.

The room was pretty clean other than her clothes lying on the floor next to mystery mans', she still never got his name, even after the events that took place last night.

Slowly, she got up from the bed, grabbing her underwear and throwing on the guys t-shirt, heading out of the room. She made her way down the hall into the open space of the living room, turning off into the kitchen. She noticed that the apartment was well kept and it looked really expensive. Who the hell was this guy?

She opened the fridge, looking for orange juice or water, pulling it from the fridge and pouring herself a glass. Next she was on to find the bathroom.

She slowly creeped back down the hallways, a small glass of O.j. in hand as she started checking rooms for the bathroom.

Isn't this some kind of invasion of privacy? I mean, this isn't your house..

Yeah well, I'm hungover and need to either puke or pop some pain killers, so shut the hȅll up.

When she pushed open the second door on the right, she dropped the orange juice straight onto the carpeted floor, her eyes bulging out of her sockets.

Inside the room there were guns, everywhere, as well as surveillance monitors and multiple computers and T.V monitors all around. There was a chair in the middle of it all, propped in front of a large desk with papers all over it, some in files and some just floating at random.

Veronica popped her head back out the door, checking to make sure mystery boy hadn't woken up before slowly and quietly stepping fully into the room, closing the door behind her. She walked to the chair, but didn't sit down in it. Instead, she pulled open one of the files, and immediately she had her answer.

In an instance, her fight or flight mode kicked in, and had she not been so hungover, she would have snooped longer in hopes to find something of use to her and her family, but instead she thought quickly.

She grabbed a gun that was sitting on the table closest to her, a small handgun, and quickly checked for ammo, loading it quickly and making sure the safety was one. When she was armed, she slowly stepped out of the room and began stealthily moving towards the door to the guys bedroom.

As quietly as possible, she flicked the safety down, stepping into the room with light toes.

"Get the fűck up!" She yelled loudly, pointing the gun straight at his head. His eyes snapped open, and in the blink of an eye he shot out of bed with his hands up.

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