Sunday || 1 a.m.

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Who Are You Afraid Of?

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Who Are You Afraid Of?

Zach couldn't keep his mind off of what Veronica had said before she fell asleep. He sat in the car with her head in his lap, running his fingers through her hair as he watched her sleep. Her chest slowly rose and fell in sync with her breath. When they had arrived back to the hotel, he had woken her up and in her groggy state, helped her to put his jacket on to cover her body. It wasn't cld, seeing that they were in Miami, but the air was crisp from the breeze of the sea, and there were people buzzing in the street and in the lobby of their hotel.

"Do you have a key to your room?"

She shook her head no, her eyes still closed after he had lifted her up to carry her. He sighed as he carried her into the hotel and into the elevator. Once they reached the top floor, he carried her out and past her own room, sliding the key into the door to his own.

Sighing heavily, he pushed the door open, doing his best not to disturb her. Once he was inside, he set her down on the sofa in the main living space before heading into the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

"Zach?" She called out softly. He turned his head to look towards her.

"Yes, Princess?"

She blushed a light pink color, smiling lightly in her groggy state.

"Can I have some orange juice?"

He blinked at her for a second, keeping his eyes zeroed in on her face as to not look at her barely covered body.

He nodded slowly, turning back around to the fridge, grabbing the carton of orange juice before pouring her a small glass.

When he was done, he put the carton back into the fridge, grabbing a water bottle for her before closing it and heading back over to her.

He sat down on the sofa next to her, handing her the glass of juice. She took it lightly, her hands kind of shaking.

"Can I have a shirt...?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. It was then that he really took her in.

His eyes scanned over her body, the tight black material fitting her perfectly and not leaving much to the imagination.

He gulped, nodding his head before standing up. He left her alone in the room, and she sipped on her orange juice, shivering. When the cup was no longer full, she set it onto the table next to the sofa, wrapping her arms tightly around her body. The room was not cold, but she was freezing.

Zach returned moments later, carrying an oversized t-shirt that surely would not fit her properly. He handed it to her, and she gave a small smile in return before slipping it over her body.

It was just the two of them in the hotel room. The rest of the Vipers were still partying at the club, probably unaware that they had even left.

"Veronica.." He started, his voice low. Her eyes snapped up to his, staring back with wide eyes. "Can I ask you something?"

Her eyebrows scrunched together. "What?"

"Who are you afraid of?"

Her heart stopped, and she felt like the room was shrinking. She quickly averted her gaze from his, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Zachary."

The tone of her voice was so low and malicious, Zachary just left it alone. She was drunk, and on top of that had god knows what drug running through her system, and Zachary knew better than to push his luck.

He nodded his head, standing up slowly, and turning to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Her voice was high again, back to normal.

He looked down at her, "To sleep, Veronica. You should too."

"You're just going to leave me out here to sleep on the sofa?"

"I don't trust myself in the same bed as you," He smirked back. She glared at him.

"Whatever, I'll go back to my own room then."

She stood up, her vision becoming blurry before she plopped back down onto the sofa, her hand coming up to rest on her forehead as she squeezed her eyes shut. He was at her side in a second.

"What's wrong?!"

"I can't walk."

Zachary sighed, sliding his arms underneath her and lifting her up bridal style.

"You've got to stop getting yourself into trouble, Veronica."

She ignored him, her eyes fluttering closed again. He carried her to his own room, lying her down on the bed before going back to lock the door. When he returned to her side, he covered her in the blankets, making sure she was comfortable before heading into his bathroom, showering and dressing into a pair of black sweatpants that hung low on his waist. When he was done and his teeth were brushed, he headed back into the bedroom, deciding whether he should just crawl into bed with her or sleep on the floor.

Sighing heavily, he grabbed a pillow off of the bed and a spare blanket before lying down on the floor, falling asleep with unanswered questions swirling in his mind.


Hey guys! Sorry it's so short, I have writers block and just wanted to get something up for you guys! Love you!

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