Sunday || Sometime in the Late Morning

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We Are Not Paying to Have the Blood Cleaned from the Carpet Again

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We Are Not Paying to Have the Blood Cleaned from the Carpet Again.

 Veronica woke up in a massive bed, covered in white linen. The sun was beaming into the room through the big window that served as a wall, looking out over the city of Miami. She sat up, still not registering that this wasn't her own hotel room, and stretched her arms above her head, a big yawn following a second later. Groggily, she threw the comforter off of her body and stood up, her toes coming into contact with the soft carpet. She opened the door, heading into the hallway and down the stairs.

When she reached the bottom, she headed straight for the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing the orange juice and a glass from the cupboard. She opened the cap, poured it out, and threw it back into the refrigerator capless. As she started to drink the orange juice, she stopped mid gulp, her eyes widening.

As if time had turned to slow motion, her eyes narrowed as she turned her head to the side, coming face to face with three wide-eyed boys. Her eyes widened as well, before she let out a small squeak and set the orange juice down.

For God's sake, they've kidnapped me! That's low, even for Zachary.

Ryder was the first to even move, his doe-eyed look of surprise turning into a devilish smirk.

"You owe me, Wesley," he sniggered, turning his head to his friend.

"What the fȕck is going on?!" Veronica seethed, slamming the glass onto the counter top, a small crack splitting the glass as it made contact with the hard surface.

"Well you see, Wesley here bet me ten thousand dollars that you would go home with Jack, but I knew better," he winked at her. She growled, grabbing a kitchen knife from the holder and lunging at him. His eyes widened again and he began to run, but she chased him.

All she could see was red.

"You bet on my fȕcking sex life, you pigs?!" She screeched, throwing the knife at him with a pretty good aim. He dodged it at the last second. She grabbed another, this time going after Wesley next. He jumped up over the island, ducking his head as he ran for cover behind the sofa. She caught up fast, jumping over the sofa, her t-shirt riding up and getting stuck on her cleavage.

Zachary watched the whole scene from the bottom of the staircase, his eyes wide in confusion as he watched Veronica chase the boys with knives. His brows creased in confusion, before he had to duck from a knife that came at him at full speed. When he stood back up, he turned his body half way round, staring wide eyed at the knife that was now stuck in the wall.


That was all he had to hear before he was bolting for the door, Veronica on his tail with another knife.

Why does the hotel have to have knives in the fȕcking kitchen?!

He opened the door, running out into the hallway at full speed, crashing into another person, both of them toppling to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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