Sunday || 9:45 p.m.

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Give me the Dirty Details! And You're Not Getting Out of Halloween, Bȉtch

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Give me the Dirty Details! And You're Not Getting Out of Halloween, Bȉtch.

Veronica sighed as she stood outside of the door to her apartment. She could hear the loud T.V. and the boys shouting at one another, and there was no doubt that they were playing video games.

    "God dȁmnit, boys! If you don't shut the fűck up right now, I will make sure none of you can ever have kids!" Roxanne screamed at them, causing Veronica to chuckle. She opened the door, stepping inside. She hung her keys on the hook next to the door, and headed for the kitchen.

    Her apartment was by no means a penthouse like Zachary's, but it was still large and had  seven rooms and two bathrooms, including a really nice kitchen space and a decent sized living room. While Zach's was clean and well put together, hers was decked out in posters and funky lights all around, with a big flat screen T.V against the wall opposite a large comfy couch. It was messy, and very evident that there were multiple young-adults living there.

    "Hey Ronnie, where ya been?" Clayton asked, his eyes never leaving the screen, 'Don't tell me you spent the whole day with that guy you left with."

    Veronica rolled her eyes and she noticed that Luke was squirming.

    "No, stupid ȁss, I didn't. I was taking care of some stuff for my dad."

    Yeah, killing some random guy who owes him way more money than the man would ever see in his lifetime.

    "Oh. Well, we're gonna order pizza if you want any. Rox was talking about going to Reign instead of Cloud 9 tonight for the Halloween bash. You in?" Xavier asked, "Your dad got another shipment of Reaper too, so we have more sales to make."

    Veronica sighed, plopping down on the couch next to the boys with a glass of Coke in her hand.

    "I guess I have to go then. But ONLY because we have product to move. I hate clowns," She mumbled. The guys all laughed at her as they continued to play Call of Duty, only pausing to call the pizza shop and proceed to order more food than they could actually eat.

When the pizza arrived, it was ten p.m. They had to be at the club by midnight, an hour after opening; the party would be in full swing by then, but there would still be more people on the way, more customers.

    They switched the T.V. on to the news, another story of the new drug Reaper taking another life.

    "God these people are so stupid. How could you risk your life like this?" Luke questioned.

    Xavier shrugged, "I mean they have the choice to just not buy it, they know the risk of what they're doing."

    Veronica nodded her head, "I mean we also could just not sell it, but this shȉt is bringing in millions right now. My dad has dealers stationed on every corner, every club, ever bar, every alleyway.. It's hard to even get away from it."

    Roxanne came into the room, plopping down next to her best friend.

    "Who cares. It's their own fault anyways," She added to the conversation, taking a piece of pepperoni pizza and basically inhaling it.

    "So Ron-Ron," she smirked, turning her head to Ronnie, "Tell us about mystery boy last night! Was the sex amazing?! I saw him, he was SUPER hot."

    Veronica rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

    "He was. Super good in bed too," She winked, "But I don't think I'll be seeing much of him anymore. He doesn't live in the area; he was just scoping out the club cause his friends told him about it."

    It wasn't a total lie, he really did just go to scope it out because his friends told him about it, and he really didn't live in the area. Granted he only lived a twenty minute drive into Viper territory, but they didn't need to know the dirty details.

    "What about you Roxy, how was last night?" She waggled her eyebrows. Roxy's face grew flush as she held a pillow to cover, the guys laughing and slapping Xavier on the back.

    "Yeah Roxy, how was last night?" Luke and Clayton teased.

    "Shut the hell up guys! We were drunk, okay? Shȉt happens when you're drunk!" She exclaimed.

    "Hey, I had a great time. If you ever want to do that again, just knock on my door," Xavier smirked, winking at her. Her face was growing redder by the second.

    The group sat there for a long while, laughing with one another and teasing each other every chance they got as they finished the pizzas. There were three more stories on the drug they were providing to the people of Stark City, and finally Xavier cut the T.V. off, not wanting to listen to any more of it.

    While they were in a gang and have killed before, they weren't all completely comfortable with providing the option of life or death to random strangers in the city they called their home. It didn't feel right, but that's all they've ever known.

    Veronica's mom died when she was fifteen years old, leaving her with her dad, alone in a gang ran mostly by men. Roxanne's mom died after giving birth to her, and the two had been best friends since day one. Their fathers were best friends, Ronnie's dad being the leader and Roxy's dad being his right hand man. The boys grew up in the gang as well, their mom's and dad's were still around though.

    Only the two young girls were in the gang, the mothers just lived in the family house with their husbands, taking care of the wounded and being mom's to pretty much all of them. They were well taken care of.

    Veronica got her own apartment when she turned eighteen years old, and Roxy and the boys moved in a year later since she had all of the empty space. It worked well, they each had a room and there was a room dedicated to gang related business, equipped with weapons and surveillance. They mostly handled the drugs, going to clubs on the weekends and doing paperwork on the weekdays. They were all well off, seeing as how their jobs pay them very kindly.

    "So Roxy, you and Xavier?" Veronica questioned once they were alone in her bedroom.

    Roxanne's face flushed again, and a small smile overtook her face.

    "I was drunk, okay? I totally like him and wasn't at all thinking, and it just kind of happened, okay? He made a move and I followed en-suite."

    "I'm not judging you, Rox! I'm happy for you. I've known you've liked him since we were literally like two years old, it's okay," Ronnie cooed, grabbing her best friends' hand.

    Roxanne smiled at her, pulling her into a hug.

    "I love you so much Ron-Ron," She laughed.

    Veronica growled, "Don't call me that, dȁmnit!"

    Roxanne burst into a fit of giggles, and soon, Veronica was laughing with her instead of at her.

    Once the laughter died down, and the boys came in to let them know they would meet them at the club soon, her mind began wandering to Zachary.

    He was good in bed. She had lied straight to his face when she told him he wasn't, but the look of horror as she said it was so worth it. She felt sad because she couldn't tell her best friend about her little secret.

    "What'cha thinkin' 'bout, Ronnie?" Roxanne questioned.

    Veronica shook her head, "I do not want to go to this Halloween bash tonight," She muttered.

    Roxanne glared at her, "You are SO not getting out of this one, bȉtch."


Hey guys! Let me know what you think! This one's a little shorter than the others, but I hope you like it!

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