Friday || 2:00 a.m.

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This is Basically Fight Club

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This is Basically Fight Club

Veronica made her way through the crowd of people, pushing through them until she found Roxanne. She was keeping her eyes on Wesley, noticing her best friend.

"Got anything good on Zach?"

Veronica shook her head, "He was really secretive. It didn't look like he spoke with anyone important."

Roxanne nodded, her eyes never leaving Wesley.

"He's talked to this guy five different times already," She narrowed her eyes, "But I have never seen him before. Not here, not at any clubs, the race track; nothing."

Veronica looked over at the pair. They were talking in hushed tones about fifteen feet away from the two girls.

"Weird," She speculated. Roxanne nodded her head.

The sound of the bell rang out through the bar, signaling the start of the fight. Veronica's head snapped towards the cage, grabbing onto her best friends hand, dragging her closer to the ring.

Roxanne laughed, "Want to see Zachary get his ȁss beat?"

Veronica rolled her eyes, facing back towards the ring.

There were two different fights allowed in the bar, hand to hand and weaponry. The rules were simple; be the last one standing. Zachary was currently fighting hand to hand with a guy who was just a little bit bigger than him. She recognized him as a member from a couple cities over.

The two were circling each other in the ring, fists raised in defense. Everyone watched, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Zachary moved first, and he was fast. He landed a hit on his jaw, swinging his fist up, the guy's neck snapping back. Veronica smirked, but it immediately faded when the guy landed a hard hit on Zachary's stomach.

He recovered quickly, regaining his balance and backing up a little bit. He was sizing the guy up, paying attention to any flaw in his form, looking for his weak spot.

He noticed that he was putting less weight on his left foot, and he knew that was how he would take him down.

Before he knew what was happening, the guy was on him. He was throwing punches back and forth, and Zachary could feel blood running down his lips and chin, probably from his nose.

The crowd was screaming, and he could hear his friends shouting at him to get up, but he was trapped for the moment.

He did his best to block each blow, and he was doing a pretty good job. He mustered all of his strength and pushed up on the guys chest in between a punch, shoving him back off of himself. He quickly stood up, planting his feet firmly on the ground.

His ribs hurt, and his t-shirt was now covered in his own blood. He got a few hard hits in on his opponent, and his knuckles were bleeding. It was his turn for defense, and he quickly changed his stance, watching as the guy switched to offense.

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