Wednesday || 12:00 a.m.

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The Bets are Placed

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The Bets are Placed.. But Who Shot Lexie?

 "You know the rules," Lucy stated, standing at the computer entering bets into the system, "All bets are final."

The young members of the Brotherhood placed their money on Veronica, whereas the Viper boys placed theirs on Zachary.

Clayton, Roxanne, Xavier and Luke watched as people stood in line, placing their bets on their racer of choice. There was a pretty even amount of people betting on either driver. Luke was kind of worried. Veronica hadn't raced in a long time, but he still placed his money on her anyways.

"She'll win." Roxanne stated, standing next to Luke at the starting line. The Vipers were standing a few feet away from them, glaring at the crew. Roxanne just rolled her eyes at them.

Veronica got into her car, heading up to the starting line just as Zachary did. She glanced over at him, noticing hat he was smirking at her.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He taunted, "You can still back out, there's time."

Veronica narrowed her eyes at him and just shook her head, returning her eyes to the road.

Lexie stepped in between the two cars, giving a thumbs up to Ronnie. The girls always stuck together. She nodded at her friend and smiled.

"All right, on your mark.. Get set.. GO!" She yelled, dropping the flag. Veronica sped off, Zachary tailing her. She pressed the brake lightly before pulling her foot off the pedal completely, drifting with ease around the first turn. Zachary sped up and they were now bumper to bumper. She glanced over at him before returning her eyes to the road and pressing down even farther on the gas pedal, but he sped up as well.

They continued around the track, taking turns speeding up and getting ahead of the other over and over again. On the last turn, Veronica had a plan.

She slowed down a bit, and instead of staying on the inside, she drifted on the outer side of the track, just ahead of Zachary. She saw him smirking to himself, probably thinking he had the upper hand. But, just as they came out of the turn, Veronica shifted gears and cut him off, shooting in front of him and putting the pedal to the metal. She smirked to herself a she continued to speed up, Zachary struggling to get out in front of her as she swerved back and forth.

"YES! She did it!" Roxanne shouted, jumping up and down from excitement as Ronnie crossed the finish line quite a bit before Zach did.

Wesley was screaming at the top of his lungs, yelling profanities at both Veronica and Zachary.

"You dumb ȁss! How could you not see that coming?" He yelled as he jumped the railing, heading to the two drivers as they were getting out of the car.

Roxanne and the boys hopped the railing as well, running to Veronica. The boys scooped her up into a big hug, shouting chants about how she was the best. Veronica was smiling, until she noticed the Vipers standing in a defensive stance in front of Zachary's black BMW i8.

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