Saturday || 7:00 p.m.

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Just the Other Day I Was Out in Miami

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Just the Other Day I Was Out in Miami

The young members of the Brotherhood stood at Gate D, boarding passes ready in hand. As they moved up in the line, the boys were chatting about the trip they were about to take to Miami. Veronica couldn't even deny that she was excited as well, despite the events that had taken place the night before. She suppressed the nagging voice in the back of her head reminding her that her father had lied to her, talking amongst her friends about what they were going to do.

"Ron-ron's dad booked us a bomb ȁss hotel!" Roxanne stated enthusiastically. Ronnie smiled at her friends, handing the woman at the gate her boarding pass, making her way onto the plane and into her first class seat. Her friends followed her, plopping into their cushioned seats in a group of four, all facing each other. There was a small "table" in the middle of them, and the chairs had massage mechanisms built into them.

"I am so excited you guys," Xavier smiled as he pulled a deck of cards out of his carry on bag, a black beat up backpack that had more holes in it than it did pockets. "I'm gonna get hȅlla hoȅs," He smirked.

Roxanne squirmed in her seat, but only Veronica noticed, giving her a sympathetic smile.

"Please, the only thing you're going to be getting is an STD, since no one in their right mind would sleep with you willingly," Luke snorted. Xavier scoffed at him, mumbling on about how all girls want him.

The gang played cards for the entire plane ride, chatting amongst each other and drinking different assortments of alcohol, awaiting their landing in Miami.

Once they were off the plane and had their bags, they found their driver for the next few days.

"Welcome! I'm Marco, and I will be your driver for the duration of your stay," He introduced himself, "Your father has made sure that I will see to it that you are safe at all times," He added, flashing them the gun that was hiding in his waistband. The group nodded at him, and then followed him out to the car, their heavy luggage being dragged not so gracefully behind them.

"This is so sick! It's one of those hummer-limmo things!" Xavier cried out in excitement.

"Nice word-choice there, buddy," Luke commented, slapping him on the back before helping the girls load their bags into the car. Veronica felt eyes on her, but as she scanned the area, she saw no one. People were racing to their gates, others were checking in, while the rest were at baggage claim. She could see everyone clearly though the large glass windows of the airport, but no one stood out. Despite the ninety-degree weather, an actual chill ran up Veronica's spine.

This is weird.

"Ready, friends?" Marco asked, and they all nodded their heads, rushing to get into the limo to get to their hotel.

The drive consisted of the boys fighting one another, almost crashing into Veronica and Roxanne in their seats on the other side of the limo.

When they arrived to their hotel, their jaws all dropped at the sight of it. There was no doubt that it was expensive, the epitome of luxury. The building was almost entirely glass, it's windows the kind of mirror-looking glass, reflecting the ocean back as the sun hit them in just the right spot. The accents were red painted metal, and the door had a big canopy awning that stretched out into the lot, where Valet drivers were working.

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