Monday || 3:00 p.m.

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Counting Profits with a Hangover from Hell

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Counting Profits with a Hangover from Hell.

"Veronica," He growled. I almost fainted on the spot from how sexy and low his voice was. "Let's get out of here."

My eyes flicked to the dance floor, looking for any reason, any excuse as to why I shouldn't go with him, but there was nothing other than the annoying voice in my head telling me this was a mistake; my friends were nowhere to be seen. The alarms were blaring in my head, but I was too drunk to care.

Jacob was eyeing me up, asking me who this guy was without saying a word. I just shook my head at him and grabbed onto Viper boy's hand, pulling him off towards the entrance to the club.

I'm not sure how we ended up in the corner behind a staircase, half visible to those dancing on the floor, but he whipped me around and pulled me flush against his body, and I knew there was no going back once his lips crashed onto mine.

I snaked my arms around his neck as his tongue slid into my mouth, dancing in sync with mine. His hands were all over my body, but it wasn't enough. He was grabbing onto my ȁss, and as he ran his hands lower to grasp my thighs, his fingers brushed against me, and I let out a little moan into his mouth.

"Jump," he whispered, gripping my thighs a little harder. I did as I was told, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist as he backed us further into the corner, his back against the wall as I straddled him, his hands never leaving my thighs, supporting my weight. One of his hands left my body, but only for a split second before he was pulling at my bra strap, his nails scratching against my skin, causing another moan to escape my lips. I pulled at his hair, running my fingers through it as I began trailing kisses down his neck before returning back to his lips.

'This is wrong Ronnie. He's your sworn enemy! His dad and your dad hate each other! Stop this!'

I ignored the voice in my head, but it seemed that fate agreed with my subconscious, because I heard his best friend calling for him.

Immediately I pushed off of him and jumped onto my feet, the alarms in my head on full blast now.

I stared into his eyes which were still glazed over, "I have to, um.. Go.." I whispered, "This can't happen again."


Veronica shot straight up out of her bed, the events of last night still repeating themselves in her head. She groaned to herself, bringing her hand up to her face and covering it, blocking out the light.

"Fȕcking hȅll, I'm done drinking," She muttered, knowing full well that she was lying to herself. She pulled the covers back, standing up and stretching her arms above her head.

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