Sunday || 9:00 p.m.

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Dancing with the Devil

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Dancing with the Devil.. Wait, are He and the Grim Reaper the Same Person?

*TRIGGER WARNING: There's the possibility of a forced sex scene in this chapter, but ti does not go into detail. Please skip it if you are triggered by this topic! It's towards the end.

Wear something sexy tonight ;) -Jack

"Ugh, Rox he's texting me now," Veronica moaned, chucking her phone over to her friend.

Roxanne picked the phone up, reading the message and scrunching her face in disgust before smirking.

"I bet you he invited the Viper boys," She mused, raising her eyebrow at her best friend.

"So?" Ronnie asked, not bothering to turn around. She was sifting through the closet after she had finally unpacked her clothes.

"SO... I bet Zachary will be there!" She concluded.

"Wow Rox, you're a genius," Veronica deadpanned.

Roxanne glared at Veronica's back. She stood up, heading to her own room before she re-appeared to Veronica's room.

"We're going full on skank tonight, Ron-Ron," Roxanne said with a devilish look in her eyes.

Veronica turned around, her eyes landing on two skimpy outfits in her friends hands. One was white, the other was black, and they would cover nothing.

"I'm not wearing that, Roxanne. Especially not when Jack will be there," She stated, scrunching her face in disgust, thinking about the events she knew would probably take place tonight.

"Okay, Ron-Ron, listen. I'm your best friend, okay? I love you, but listen to me. Jack is hot, if you happen to have disgusting gang-leader sex with him, I won't judge you! I know he's a lunatic, like, actually bonkers, but it's not like you haven't fȕcked other crazy guys!"

Veronica glared at her best friend.

"Plus, if Zach's there, he'll be so jealous!"

"Roxanne, why does it matter whether or not Zach is jealous? He and I despise each other," She snarled.

"Keep telling yourself that, Veronica," She stated, her voice low and dangerous, "You and I both know something's there. I don't know what it is just yet, but it's something, and I'm going to figure it out," She finished, stating the last bit matter-o-factly.

Veronica rolled her eyes, snatching the skimpy outfit from her best friends hand before heading to her bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"You're such a bȉtch sometimes, Roxanne!" She screeched through the closed door as she angrily discarded her clothes, hopping into a scorching hot shower.

When she was done, she did the usual; dried her hair, applied some skincare products, moisturized her body, and began doing her hair for the night. Roxanne had long left the room, and she was left alone again.

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