Saturday || 9:00 a.m.

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Wait a Minute

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Wait a Minute... He Saved You?

 Veronica woke up that morning with a headache, as usual. She pushed the covers off of herself, getting up out of bed and immediately heading to the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

"Pills are on your dresser!" Roxanne shouted from outside the door.

Veronica sat on the ground, pressing her head onto the wall of her bathroom and staying there for a hot minute, making sure she wasn't going to throw up again.

As promised, there was a bottle of pills along with a fresh water bottle sitting on her dresser whe she exited the bathroom. She popped two of them, popping the cap off of the water bottle, sipping on it as she made her way out of her bedroom and into the living room.

Her friends looked just as bad as she felt, except for Luke. He was currently making eggs, and Veronica saw a large stack of pancakes sitting on a plate on the island.

"See Veronica, at least I make breakfast for everyone," Luke commented.

"Shove it, Luke," She muttered, snatching a pancake off the plate before heading towards the couch.

She plopped down next to Xavier, who then took the pancake out of her hand, ripping it in half before giving it back to her. She glared at him, shoving the half of the pancake into her mouth.

"Ȁsshole," She said with her mouthful. He just laughed at her, eating the other half of the pancake.

They sat in silence for a while, watching T.V. as Luke finished cooking. When he was done, they all sat on bar stools around the island, and Luke set a jug of orange juice on the table along with glasses for everyone.

Another bottle of pills was passed around as well, and Veronica took one more just for good measure.

"So Roxanne, I saw you talking to Wesley last night, what was up with that?" Clayton asked, shoving a spoonful of scrambled eggs into his mouth.

Roxanne rolled her eyes, "He stopped me from drunkenly falling off of the table I was dancing on," She shrugged, leaving it there.

"What about you Ronnie? You disappeared from sight for practically the whole night, and then reappeared all frantic demanding that we leave," Xavier went on.

Veronica paled, "Someone tried to kill me."

Everyone stared at her, Luke's fork halfway to his mouth before he froze.

"What?" Roxanne asked.

Veronica nodded her head slowly.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Roxanne screeched, causing Xavier to flinch.

Veronica flinched as well, the pills had yet to start working.

"After you fell I went to get another drink," She started, "And a really cute guy came up to me and started talking to me." She left out the part about Zachary shoving his tongue down the green-haired monster's throat. "He asked me to play flip cup with him and a bunch of other rando's, so I said yeah why not. Our team was against Zachary's team, and I ended up winning the game. One thing lead to another, and we were upstairs about to fȕck, and the next thing I know, Zachary comes barging in with his gun and the guy pulled me into a choke hold."

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