Thursday || 1:00 p.m.

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"I heard I don't belong in this scene; sex metal barbie, homicidal queen."

 Veronica opened the door to the surveillance room, the biggest room of her apartment. The walls were covered in high definition flat screen T.V's mounted to the wall, different colored LED lights changing as time passed. Computer monitors surrounded each of the three desks in the room, and a couch sat opposite of them. There was a glass case in which some of the many guns she owned were displayed, and another beside it with expensive drones and cameras with lenses. Sometimes she felt more like a spy than a gangster, but it was 2018.

Roxanne and the boys joined her moments later, plopping onto the couch and into some of the desk chairs. Veronica grabbed the newest file from the table and sat down in the last chair, scooting to the table in front of the couch, facing her friends.

"Alright," She started, "The Vipers will be at Underground tonight for fight night. My dad's file just says that he wants us to observe them, maybe rough em' up a bit in the ring."

"Ugh! That's so boring," Clayton whined.

"Yeah, what happened to dropping in on their shipments and stealing their drugs? That's so much more fun. Especially when we get away. Zach's face is always priceless," Luke added, laughing at the thought of Zachary.

Veronica shrugged her shoulders, "Michael's handling all that this week. My dad said he was "giving us a break" and letting us off easy this week since we bagged ten grand at the club."

The two nodded their heads in sync.

"What time we leavin' then?" Xavier spoke up.

"I say we head out around six?" Roxanne suggested. The rest of the crew grumbled an agreement before dispersing. The boys headed to the living room to play video games, as usual, and Roxanne left to her own room, shutting the door behind her.

Veronica was alone. She rolled her chair over to one of the desks, typing in her four digit pass-code to the system. She checked her email and instant messages, responding to some of the gang members.

'Veronica, call me when you can. I need a special favor.'

The message was from her dad, and she ignored it for the time being. Instead, she opened up the database. She looked back over her shoulder, checking that no one was lingering. She turned back to the computer, typing in Zachary White. His file popped up on the screen, and she clicked the print button. Once it was all printed, she put the papers into an empty manila folder, making sure to clear the search history and log out.

She grabbed the folder and left the room, heading back to her own bedroom. Once she was inside, she locked her door and threw the file onto her bed, heading into the bathroom.

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