-Chapter 3-

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The Outcasts


It was the best days in Sapphire's life. Once the tournament was over, the boys were led towards a feast in their honor where they were allowed to eat as much as they want. Sapphire stuffed herself with roasted quails, pop tarts, red-bulb pie and potatoes; food that she only could have dreamt of having. Then she was told that she would be occupying the room at the very end of the Apprentice Chambers. While the maids served the new apprenticed on the long royal feast table Sapphire heard rumors about how the queen favorite was found dead.

Sapphire almost gagged her pop tart.


It was true that she disappeared the day before but for someone to spread a rumor that she was dead was a bit too much.

'I've heard they found her in a dark alley, someone stabbed her. She must have gone to buy ingredients for the kitchen.'

'Suits her right! The Queen's pet. That's what you get for gaining favor of the queen.'

'The queen didn't seem upset. In fact she seemed happy.'

'She must have angered the Queen.'

'But for the poor thing to get killed. It's too much. The poor thing was only fifteen. Surely she's one of the youngest among us.'

'Why do you think she was killed?'

'Maybe she was violated? She was rather pretty.'

'Poor thing....'

Sapphire felt the blood drain from her face. Did the queen plan her death? Or was it Sir Cedric? She just hoped no one would recognize her. No one expects a girl to be dressed as a boy; surely no one will even think of the newest mystery apprentice to be the dead maid. At least, someone complemented for the first time she was pretty. That was a first.

While she ate, she heard other gossip from the apprentices too.

'Did you hear? Lord Cateald's nephew is here.'


'The short blue eyed one with the long blonde hair? You know... the one who beat Vincent.'

'Wait... that one? He beat Vincent.'

'Who is Lord Cateald?'

'Haven't you heard of him? He's the one who never comes to the capital and lives in the outskirts. A complete loner. It's a wonder he has a family.'

'Where is he? I can't see him.'

'He's right there.'

'Don't point.'

'Him! He looks like a girl!'

'Idiot! He'll hear!'

Also, there were gossips which were not about Sapphire and her male counterpart.

'How did Shield pass?'

'I don't know. He sucks at everything!'

'His dad must have begged from the king.'

'Huh? Highly unlikely... I've heard he's Lady Shield's bastard son. Lord Shield hates him.'

Sapphire was sitting in front of the said Archestrian shield. He was still a few seats away. Still, she could notice his fist clench as he poked at his pie.


'That's enough,' someone from the table said.

The feast continued in silence until a few hushed whispers filled it. Sapphire decided to leave to bed early. She was tired and she didn't sleep the night before. Also, she doubted she could eat as much as the boys did. Since she worked in the palace, she found her room soon enough.

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