- Chapter 17 -

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As it seems, the general didn't have much of a heart to lock the children in the wagon and Archie was grateful for it.

That is of course, until he decided to take them to the capital on top of a war-cat. Sapphire was so ecstatic that she even forgot the whole ordeal of the previous day. Archie, by the way, was trying his best not to yell and scream like a girl.

The war-cats ran through the forest, passing the ancient trees in a blur. Archie rode behind the general and could not help but hold on tightly onto the General's shoulder. He felt the contents of his breakfast fighting to force itself out of his stomach. Helpless, he swallowed the bitter liquid that crept into his throat and closed his eyes. He felt that seeing the world in a blur will escalate his urge to retch.

By daybreak, the party caught their first sight of civilization. For a long time, Archie never believed the stories that were told about Artaria's great walls. Stories told that the walls where at least fifty feet tall and with a thickness of seven men that ran the length of the kingdom in cocentric layers.

No one is mad enough to make that many walls, Archie thought. But once he caught sight of the pale yellow walls that ran along the ground as far as his eyes could see, he had to believe the stories. What was even more shocking was seeing parts of the magnificent wall broken down along its length. There were wooden frames built over the broken areas to be reconstructed while guards patroled on top of whatever remained of the wall with bows and arrows in hand.

The general rode the war-cat towards what seemed like an official entrance. Upon seeing the red cape with the golden creat, the guards at the entrance allowed the two war-cats to pass through. Behind the wall was an isolated countryside with an occasional farmhouse or village dotting the landscape. They were frequently met with flocks of wool-deer that scampered away at the sight of the war-cats.

Archie could not help but stare at the wall behind them. Curious, he turned to the general and asked, 'Why.... Did the Artatians make that wall?'

The general gave him a look that spoke "you don't know?" and sighed, 'Before Shirmaya was created, Artaria was the only kingdom in these lands. During that time, we had trouble from furies.'


'Large carnivorous reptiles. Bigger than twice as large as war-cats and smart as hell. Only walls could keep them away.'

'But... there are no...'

'They got extincted kid. The descendant gods set a curse on them. They got sick and died. Well, at least we got to be grateful for that.'

Archie simply gave a silent, 'Hm.'

'Be honest with me kid, whose child are you? You are obviously a noble, by the way you talk and carry yourself around...'

The boy sat silently, with his head lowered before he silently answered, 'I don't know.'

The general turned his head towards the boy, 'What you mean you don't know? Who is your father?'

'I don't know.'

'Your mother?'

After a bit of silence, the boy replied, 'Igrain Celestine Shield.'

The general didn't ask anything more after that.

They continued through the country side until dusk, stopping only at midday to allow the war-cats to feed and for them to catch some rest as they ate some dried meat. Sapphire was in a better mood ever since the start of the ride. She followed after the deputy general, bombarding the man with questions about war-cats. The deputy general found the girl's interest rather queer but explained almost everything he knew never the less.

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