- Chapter 18 -

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The Goddess Queen


Prince Earic was not one to believe in superstition, but seeing the rain pouring down the window glass gave him a feeling of foredoom. It was as such the world was mourning for something. Something that he did not know yet. Behind him, Gen sat on his seat, polishing his blades.

'Don't you think the weather is odd?' said the prince.

Gen looked up from his work lazily and nodded, 'It was very bright and sunny this morning. But it is not unusual. What makes you think so?'

Earic shook his head, 'Nevermind.'

'You have a strange and accurate intuition, my prince. Even if you are the last to believe in them.'

'Then be the one to believe them for me. I feel something bad is about to befall us.'

'I will keep so in mind.'

Just then, a knock was heard from the door. A palace guard poked his head in, 'It's Sir Leonard, your highness.'

'Well he took his sweet time,' Earic muttered. 'Send him in.'

The door opened wide, revealing a bearded middle aged man who was grinning at the prince as he entered the prince's office.

'Close the door and don't let anyone in until I am done.'

The guard bowed his head and slowly stepped away as he closed the door. Earic turned towards the general.

'I've heard you brought something for me and I must say I am disappointed. Since when did you get an idea that I collect god descents?'

General Leonard frowned, 'But your actions speak otherwise. I've also heard that you brought a pair from Oblivion.'

'That was out of obligation my dear sir.'

'It is same as me. I cannot allow those children wandering around with that much danger following them. Also sire, they are dangerous themselves.'


Even Gen raised his head.

'How so?'

'You would be surprised. They are from Shokra, but something or someone forced them to flee here. Also, the Shadow Assassin was following them.'

'I... see... What of the assassin?'


'You killed him?'

The general shook his head.

'You really have bad timing, general. Fine, I will see to them. I hope they are in the passage rooms as I have instructed? It's better if few only knew of their existence here.'

'Yes, sire.'

'Then take me there. Gen?'

The boy clad in black stood up and sheathed his sword behind him. 'My prince.'

'Let us see what the general dragged in.'

Earic followed the general down to the ground floor where a wide stairway descended underground at the far corner of the dungeons while the general explained whatever knew about the two children he brought. The boy was never fond of entering the passages, but they were the best place to hide things. No one dared to enter there much, fearing the rumors of ghosts. But it was only a tell-tale among the military.

In truth, it was a secret refuge for those of the army. They interrogated dangerous criminals there, hid important people there, conducted experiments there. Palace maids and servents never worked in the passages, so the secrets it held never went above ground.

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