- Chapter 20 -

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The Deranged King


Earic felt as if the person staring back at him was not his brother.

His brother was never confused. His hair was never disheveled. His eyes were always sharp and clear. But now they were a muddy mess, with nothing beneath the surface to look for.

He was lost. Utterly lost.

'Who are you? What an I doing here?'

'M-my king...'

'King? Since when was I king? Where is my father. I cannot find my father.'

'Please remain where you are your highness. You seem to have woken up from a nightmare. Please, rest for a while. I will call the king.'

'May-maybe you are right. Summon my father. You are dismissed.'

Earic slowly closed the door and could not help but slide his back along the wood and flop down to the ground. It was as if the king knew something might happen to him.

There was nothing the prince could do.but to summon the best and most trusted physician of the court. Once he went in, screams and shouts were heard.

'What is the meaning of this! I am not sick!'

Palace guards had to be called in just to subdue the king. By that time, the whole palace already knew that something was wrong with the king. The physician could only calm the king my lighting drowsing incense. Maids scurried in and out of the royal chambers in a frenzy, bringing in whatever the physician asked for.

By the time the physician came out, it was midnight and Earic was half asleep in the corridor with a blanket over him. Someone must have seen the poor boy and taken pity on him, since he refused to leave without news of his brother. The palace guards were helpless as they watched the third prince snoozing in front of them.

'Eh... your highness?'

Crimson's eyes stared back at the guard. The man backed away. Earic felt embarrassment creep into his cheeks. It was improper to fall asleep like that. But upon seeing the physician, he tensed.

'What of the king?'

The physician seemed to fidget. 'It seems... we need to talk more privately.'

Earic stood up and dusted his trousers. 'Then come to my chambers.'

'Yes, your highness.'

A maid had a good mind to.make something warm to drink for the two of them. She left the prince's chambers, bowing down low and closing the door quietly before.silence descended the room.

'Speak,' said Earic.

'Your highness... I know that you might possibly anger upon hearing this... but... your brother had been suffering from short term memory loses for the past year.'

Earic grew silent and only spoke after a long pause. 'And how come I was not aware of this?'

'Forgive me, your highness, but I was advised not to mention it to anyone.'

'And so, what of now?'

'At first I had no idea why he had been loosing his memory time by time. It was rather unnoticeable. But seeing as the king is now, I can surely confirm that it is Old Man's Disease.'

'How is that even possible! He is barely forty!'

The physician lowered his head, 'Forgive me, but that is only what I could diagnose. It is not rare for young people to get Old Man's disease. It is not contagious either. But the symptoms says so. But it's unusual since the king deteriorated so quickly. It's unnatural.'

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