- Chapter 29 -

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The Rock in the Sky


'You said they only come out at night!'

'They do!'

'When why in the name Sir Nicklas is that thing out!'

'Just shut up!'

The creature was definitely a thoobak. Only its upper half was above the ground. It was scally, with large gray black scales while it really didn't have a head, only a large tubular mouth filled with rows and rows of teeth. The creature gave out a very screechy roar before sinking down again.

Silence befalled the desert.

'Uhhh… what just happened.'

'Good thing it doesn't have ears,' mumbled Sapphire.

Of course, the hyasa were smart enough to walk around the sinkhole and any possible place where the thoobak might be burried under. The children camped in the evening, surrounded by at least five camp fires and the two tents in the center. It seems predators avoided fire at all costs. But Sapphire still worried that the fire might attract creepy bugs towards them. Her suspicion was proven to be true, but the boys preferred bugs than anything that could eat them for dinner.

'Good to eat,' said Naajim, who skewered a large black beetle with his bronze dagger and held it over the fire.

Sapphire felt her face pale, 'Is really isn't edible is it?'


'Is it safe to eat?' Prince Tyler translated.


'Good. Can I have a bite?'

Naajim handed the barbequed beetle over to the prince who removed the head and bit into it with a crunch. Sapphire stared at the boys, dumbfounded. Archie didn't seem to mind commotion and continued to sharpen his arrows with his knife.

Sapphire shared a tent with Archie that night. Since they were once roommates, it didn't feel too awkward. But they tried to distance themselves as much as possible. The prince didn't mind sleeping with Naajim. In contrast, the two of them seemed to get along fine, dispite the communication problem.

The next day continued as the last. Luck was on their side since they didn't meet up with any creatures that could be hazardous for their lives. My noon, Prince Tyler yelped excitedly, 'Look! The city!'

At first, Sapphire thought that it was a mirage. But the closer they got, the clearer the city became and she could only muse at how peculiar the city was.

It seemed to be entirely made of gold.

Golden domes, golden walls, golden towers shimmered under the bright sun, almost blinding then from the sight. There was a footpath heading towards the gates. At least the gate was big enough for an army to pour out from.

'It's heavily guarded,' Archie said.

Sapphire couldn't actually notice anyone, they were too far to see anything. But she trusted Archie's eye sight. They closed onto the city. When they got close enough, Prince Tyler got down from the hyasa and laid down on the sand behind a dune. Archie followed suit. When Sapphire got down, surprisingly, the hyasa remained where they were.

'Why are we hiding?' said Sapphire. She looked behind her. The dune was pretty tall and the hyasas were a few feet behind them, kneeling down as they bathed the sun. She then turned her gaze to the city. She noticed guards with spears behind the closed portcullis. There were even a few archers patrolling the wall walk. Archie was right, it was heavily guarded.

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