- Chapter 31 -

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The morning in the tavern was much calmer than it was at night. Only a few patrons lingered after the morning hours, but that did not assure vacancies for tables. They were all taken never the less and the children were fortunate to catch a table for themselves.

Sapphire laid her head on the table, rather sluggishly while Naajim remained looking down, finding the wood-worms rather interesting. Prince Tyler had a financial crisis and he counted the coins in his pouch, so that no one around them could see. He finally hid the pouch inside his vest and sighed.

'We can't stay a day longer here,' he said. 'We have enough money only for the ferry back home and for some supplies.'

Of coarse, only Archie remained listening. While they waited for their order to arrive, Archie looked around. Sapphire lifted her head, her eyes red as she rubbed them and yawned. At the back of the tavern a girl, probably four or five years older them him, sauntered with a tray pilled with wine mugs. She pursed her lips with a frown, eyeing the crowd around her.

Prince Tyler, curious of what Archie was staring at, whipped his head around. The prince's jaws fell for a bit at his stared at her with wide eyes before turning back around, clearly embarrassed at staring like an idiot.

Archie had the admit. She was pretty. Long dark curvy waves cascaded down her back as the sunlight fell on her dark skin, making her face glow in gold. Her bright hazel eyes flitted left and right, eyeing every man and women in the tavern as she faked a smile and distributes the wine. Her dark emerald green dress swirled around her as she moved. She finally approached their table, forcing Sapphire to so upright as she blatantly stared at the young women.

Even women didn't escape her charm. Prince Tyler clearly suffered the greatest blow since he tried his best not to stare at her like a goon and gave a rather goofy smirk before shaking his head at her. Drinking early in the morning was not the best idea.

The girl nodded in understanding, smiled and Sapphire, gave Archie a rather strange look and eyes Naajim rather suspiciously.

Prince Tyler cleared his throat, 'They don't drink.'

Sapphire and Archie nodded while Naajim remained looking down, his shawl covering the too of his head.

'Is he alright?'

'He is very shy.'

'It doesn't seem so,' said the girl with a frown. She looked at all three foreigners and then at Naajim. Her eyes narrowed. 'Is he your slave?'

Sapphire jumped at the conclusion. Naajim raised his head in shock.

'No!' cried Prince Tyler. 'He's our guide!'

But the damage was already done since the girl caught a glimpse at Naajim's face and shrieked while backing away. Prince Tyler caught the girl before she fell over and growled at her ear, 'Not a word.'

The girl hardened her face and left, storming. The children stood up, paid the tavern lord without breakfast and hurried out of the tavern with third things. When they reached the stables, there was a girl in a green dress leaning a stable beam with her arms crossed, as if she were waiting for them.

Prince Tyler groaned, 'What do you want?'

'I cannot allow you to treat one of my people as a slave!'

'For crying out loud, women! He is not our slave!'

Archie was so glad the prince had a head in top of his shoulder. Most men would have simply succumbed to her charm and become too meddle-headed to think.

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