- Chapter 35 -

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The Temple of the Beasts


Naajim never thought the supposed plan they had "planned" would ever come to action. But the moment he realized that they were really going to do it, he felt a pit in his stomach. Then again, he might as well be hungry.

The poor boy heard his stomach grumble as he laid down on the sand. Archie gave him a sympathetic look while Akyuliya handed him a strip of dried meat while she chewed on one as well. Compared to what the girl was wearing a while ago, her attire took a full turn.

Her hair was tied into a bun and hidden under a shawl while she wore a robe and slack trousers with a sash. She almost looked like a heroic handsome prince who was about to go on an adventure. And then there was the real prince who muttered curses under his breath.

'See anything?' Prince Tyler said.

Archie shook his head. It was already dark, but the fortress was lighted up from the torch-light. From where they were, the sound of laboring men could be heard.

The plan was rather simple, and rather complicated at the same time. Rahim and Hedi left before them, in order to tackle down any of the foot soldiers and to steal their uniform. Prince Tyler was rather impatient from waiting.

'What are those two doing?'

'Maybe they got caught,' said Sapphire.

But Akyuliya shook her head, 'They are skilled. They will be back.'

'What makes you so sure?'

'I have known them for a long time.'


As it seems, Akyuliya was right since they caught sight of two soldiers making their way towards them. One had a grim look on his face while the other was grinning.

'Stand up you rascals,' said Hedi, pointing his newly obtained spear at them.

At least one of them was enjoying the mission.

Rahim, on the other hand, helped everyone up and said, 'Ready?'

'You all do realize this might not work,' Sapphire said with her arms folded.

'And it might also work,' Prince Tyler said in reply. Archie simply yawned, passed by Rahim and headed towards the fortress. Hedi gave a mischievous grin and poked the prince on his thighs with the spear.

'Hay, watch it.'

'It isn't always one gets to maul away a prince.'

'Well, if it bothers you so much, forget the fact that I am one.'

'It's rather hard to forget, my prince,' Akyuliya said with a mocking tone. It took a long time for the girl to recover from her shock. But once she did, she treated Prince Tyler with the same attitude as she did before. Naajim thought that maybe Prince Tyler might be offended after the way they seemed to be at each other's throat. But instead the prince seemed rather relieved.

According to their pre-discussed plan, Rahim and Hedi led the five children towards the fortress at pear point. Naajim felt sweat stick into his palm as he followed everyone even though it was starting to get cold. No one questioned them until they reached the gates where two soldiers gave a questioning look to Rahim. The mercenary made a sneering face as he explained, 'Found this brats wandering around the area. Thought the place might need some meat.'

The soldiers nodded, yelling at those inside the fortress to open the gate. The makeshift wooden gate slowly opened and stopped halfway. Prince Tyler pretended to show defiance as he pretended to struggle under Hedi's grasp. Hedi shoved the prince inside. Naajim timidly followed. Inside, a man held a lantern in front of their faces.

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