- Chapter 28 -

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The valley of monsters


The valley loomed overhead like the gates of death.
Sapphire watches the first rays of the sun creep from above the prices of the Masakh valley as Archie struggled to handle the hyasa they rode on. This children had ridden whole night, not catching a glimpse of sleep. But the animal's restlessness managed to keep them on edge. The hyasa simply refused to enter the path that layed in between the two mountain ranges.

'They feel danger,' said Naajim.

'But that ain't going to stop us now is it,' muttered Prince Tyler as he struggled with his hyasa. 'What is this damn thing so afraid of!'

'If Droop is scared, I guess it's wise if we were too,' said Sapphire.

'Droop?' said Archie.

'His eyes are always dropped down. Haven't you noticed? Look at them now. It's like as if he had seen a ghost!'

'I don't care what it's called,' yelled the prince, just get it moving!'

Archie sighed and gave up pulling the poor creature's mane. Its ears were folded back and eyes so wide the white was very prominent. Slowly, Archie patted Snort's neck hushing as he did. The ears slowly rose while it calmed down. Once it seemed calm, Archie nudged its front leg with the edge of his toes and the animal moved forward.

The ones around him could only gape.

'H-how did he do that!' the prince muttered. Seeing his companion walking forward, even Droop calmed down and followed.

'Incredible,' said Prince Tyler.

'How by the ancients did you even survive as a general?' Sapphire asked, 'You act like a child in a temper tantrum all the time!'

'Hay,' said the prince. 'If you were in Artaria you would be beheaded for your ballant disrespect!'

'I doubt it.'

'You know, you are the only people I have ever met who doesn't respect me while still knowing exactly who I am!'

'Don't care,' said Sapphire.

'Not my kingdom,' said Archie.

Naajim simply stared at the prince. Prince Tyler frowned at the boy behind him, 'Stop staring... Anyways, why do you work for my brother then?'

'No place to go,' explained Sapphire.

'Ah... I see.'

The moment they stepped into the valley, no one dared to speak a word. A giant shadow fell over then, blocking the sun. Besides them, tall mountains rose while a path stretched between the foot of where both ranges meet.

'It feels so exposed,' said Sapphire. A soft breeze blew past them, deepening the silence. Prince Tyler pulled out the map and studies it again.

'Are you sure you know which path we are taking?' said Archie.

The prince absentmindedly nodded.

'It... seems to be a river that dried up long ago. This is a tributary. We got to go to the main river, and then take another tributary to get to the other side. We'd better go faster.'

He tugged of Droop's mane and the hyasa galloped ahead of them. Archie followed. Sapphire had to admit, even though a but noisey, hyasas were very swift and fast runners.

The hyasas kept on running, as if they knew the dangers that laid ahead. As the sun crept to its zenith, the valley grew wider and steeper until it mimicked walls at both sides.

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