- Chapter 19 -

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Befalling Calamaty


Earic stared at his brother. Realizing that he was still kneeling, he stood up straight with his brain softly thumping against his skull.

'Why were you kneeling?'

'I was feeling faintish, my king,' Earic replied.

King Tristan grunted disapprovingly. He was not pleased of Earic's weak constitution.

'Walk with me.'

'Yes my king.'

Thousands of questions still swirled around Earic's head as he followed his brother down the corridor. They came in sight of the inner courtyard where a zeysen tree was seeded at its center. The bright red leaves of the tree swayed gently against the morning breeze, while some of them fell down like a shower of rain.

'This tree was seeded here when our kingdom was founded five hundred years ago and it exists still. It is a symbol of endearment. Listen well, brother. A kingdom lasts as long as its ruler is strong.'

'I am aware, my king. B-but why are you telling me this?'

'Isn't it obvious. You are a bastard of my father and an abomination. Yet you are still my brother no matter whether I reject it or not. For once, I will recognize your birth right.'

Earic felt he had deen bombarded with surprises too much as of the current moment. He knew what the king meant. As a prince, he had the right to the throne. But he was the third prince.

'What of Prince Taylor?'

'We both know he will bring the kingdom to ruin. I despise your inheritance, but not your wisdom. Be prepared to what's to come.'

Earic clenched his fist. He knew exactly what his brother was implying. 'But I can't do war.'

'Then fine those who can.'

Their chat was interrupted by a knight who bowed before the king. King Tristan glared at Earic, motioning him to leave. The prince quickly turned over his heels and left the king and his knight in the garden. His head seemed to have grown heavier by the second. He never thought his brother might resort to such drastic measures. It was reckless, even for him.

But his decision meant only one thing. Whatever he had talked with the queen had not been friendly. And even if to was not so, the king had sensed something some hostility. No matter what, they had spoken something so dangerous that the king had to resort to decide the next heir to the throne.

If something were to ever happen to the king, Earc would be next in line for the throne.

The news was even shocking that the fact that he was a good descent himself. At least that explained some strange things about him.

Instead of heading back to his room, he headed stairght towards the passage where he found Gen and the other four children under his refuge. It seems that pudding prefers the company of the blue eyed girl. It growled when Gen came nearer to the creature.

'You look like you had seen a ghost,' Sapphire said.

Earic frowned and flopped on the nearest cot. Archie scooted away from where he sat and eyes the prince suspiciously.

'I guess, what you said might be true,' said Earic, turning towards Sapphire.

'She showed you?'

'She... has that feel around her.'

'What feel?'

Earic sighed, 'Never mind.'

Gen leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed before asking, 'What of the king?'

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