- Chapter 25 -

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Vessel Kingdom


Naajim could only gasp at the amount of food that was hoarded on top of Sapphire's arms while she chewed on pastry that dripped honey from the corners of her mouth. Archie, as he preferred himself to be called, rolled his eyes in disgust.

'Why don't you try some,' said the girl with her mouth still full, 'It's good.'

'Where did you grow up?' the boy retorted.

'The palace. Why? Got a problem with that.'

'I doubt it your claim.'

Sapphire stuffed her face with another pastry and tried to pull out her tongue at him. Instead, she turned to Naajim and said, 'Want one?'

Naajim had to admit that he was hungry. He picked up one from her arm with a bow. The pastry was thick, yet honey pooled into his tongue when he bit into it.

'It's good,' he said.

'See?' said Sapphire, turning to Archie.

'Are we done here,' said Gentetsu. 'We should get back.'

The children nodded. Archie noticed Naajim holding a dagger and gave him a questioning look. Naajim handed it over, only to have Archie raise an eyebrow at it and give it back.

'Impressive,' said Archie.

But unfortunately, Naajim could only guess the meaning of the word. He followed the children back to the palace and back to their passage. Tashara seemed to be enjoying the view since she looked at every wide eyed. She trotted next to him, absorbing the view with her hazel eyes.

'So lively,' she said.

Naajim nodded. If Artaria during the market season could force a few words out of Tashara, then it was worth its praise. Neither the palace guards nor the city guard bothered about four cloaked figures wandering around in the city. Only Gentetsu stood out in his black attire. It seemed the boy was well known, everywhere.

When they made it back towards the Earic's secret office, there was a commotion going on inside. It was an unfamiliar voice. Gentetsu frowned and knocked in the door. When no one replied, he burst in.

'My prince! I mean... my king. Er... Earic?'

Earic was found sitting on his chair with a scroll in his hand. All the over scrolls were sprawled around in the floor while Prince Tyler, as Naajim remembered, stood with his arms crossed. Gentetsu, glared at the prince to which the young man gulped, 'Hay, I did nothing to your precious king.'

'It's okay, Gen,' said Earic. 'We just got some... shocking news. Close the door. Sir Leonard will join us shortly.'

'Wait,' said Prince Tyler eyeing both Naajim and Tashara, 'Who is that two?'

'None of your concern.'

'Of course it's my concern when you involve foreigners into internal affairs.'

'It's not internal; actually, they deserve to hear this. It's about their home.'

Just then, someone knocked the door and the burly general squeezed into the already compact room.

'Your highness, you summoned me?'

'Yes. I did,' said Earic. He stood up and looked around at everyone. 'Oblivion became a vessel kingdom of Shokra.'

The announcement was followed by silence. Some faces retorted into disbelief. Some faces looked confused, like Naajim, who leaned towards Gentetsu and asked, 'What does that mean?'

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