- Chapter 24 -

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The Bronze Dagger


'What were you trying to say again?'

Naajim glanced at the tiny girl from the corner of his eyes. She had her arms folded and her bright blue eyes in grim concentration as she watched the boy king scribble on a parchment out of many that were stacked on his table.

'Can't we at least go out?' said Sapphire, 'It's crowded enough. No one is going to notice us.'

'Anyone who is anyone would be out today,' mumbled Earic. He didn't even look up from his work. Behind him, the Yathuurian stared daggers at them.

'Well, that is why no one is going to notice us,' explained Sapphire. 'The merchants are here from across all kingdoms. No one is going to notice us and point fingers at us and say, "Oh, It's the reagent king's secret knight squad!"'

Earic frowned, placing the quill on the ink tray. He looked up. 'If you so insist, fine. But Gentetsu is going with you.'

'My Prince_'

'No,' said Earic, giving a pointing look at his personal guard, 'You follow them. I will be fine here alone for a few hours.'

Sapphire folded her arms tighter around her chest and mumbled something incoherent under her breath.

'No arguments,' said Earic. He ran his fingers over his silver hair, 'Now please, get out. I need to finish these before sundown.'

Naajim felt a bit sorry for his benefactor. Being a king was hard. Sapphire simply puffed her cheeks and stormed out of the office, only to meet with Archie and Tashara, who waited outside with rather accusing looks.

'What!' said Sapphire, 'It's boring to stay in the passages. We can at least go out now.'

Archie gave out a sigh, 'You are too outgoing with him, Sapphire. He is still royalty. You can't just argue with them whenever you please.'

Sapphire shrugged, 'He doesn't mind.'

'It's a wonder he doesn't,' said Archie.

Gentetsu, meanwhile, was staring daggers at Sapphire.

'This is not child-play, girl,' he said, 'Know your place. You are not the only problem he has to deal with. You do not realize how much he is risking by just keeping you here.'

'Well since we are paying for our stay_'

'You are not paying for your stay,' said Gentetsu, harshly, 'If you go on like this, you are just going to be a nuisance.'

Sapphire snapped her mouth shut, scowling while she followed Gentetsu out of the passage ways. Sir Leonard gave all five of them cloaks to cover themselves with.

'But it's hot,' said Naajim.

'What's better kid? Sweating for a while or being sold to some psychopath? Take a pick.'

Naajim didn't say another word and simply put on the cloak. Sir Leonard then instead when to guard the reagent king while Gentetsu led the rest out of the palace grounds and into the streets.

Naajim instantly regretted wanting to step out of the palace. It was so packed and crowded; you could barely fit your own little finger. Voices rang out from every corner, shouting about goods and products at the top of their voices while the sun glared down on them. Archie had to struggle while he held his ears.

'Can you handle the noise?' asked Gentetsu.

Archie nodded, 'It's fine. My ears will adjust after a while.'

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