- Chapter 22 -

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Prince Tyler


Gen sighed for the tenth time of the day and paced around the cavern with an urge to kick the sand off the cavern floor while the source of his frustration stood oblivious.

Naajim... was hopeless.

The Oblivion swung the long blade awkwardly, his grip slipping due to the weight of the sword and staggering like a drunk as he tried to balance his swings.

'Can't I use a knife?' asked Naajim, panting. He drpped the sword with a thud and wiped the sweat off his brows. Gen had been trying to teach him the basics of using a classic Yaathur sword, since he found it fancy. But after hours if struggling, it was clear to both of them that swords... just did not work for him.

Gen stared at the boy, What better weapon is there than a katana? He then looked down at his wakizashi. Might it work?

But Naajim shook his head again. 'Something smaller?'

Sapphire raised her head from the big book that laid open on top of the lap as she sat down at the steps of the throne. It was a wonder how she read admist all the distractions. Tashara sat next to her, staring at the colourful pages with awe.

'He sucks at swords? If you can call that a sword.'

'It's a katana,' Gen said, frowning. But he had to admit that his sword was different than the ones used in the Western lands. Artatian swords were straight and pointy, not much elegant while Yathuur swords were curved and graceful.

The girl shrugged. 'Look at how he is holding it? You have a long way to go Charcoal of you are going to make a knight out of him.'


Gen was so distracted by the new name that he did not notice when his akuchi was drawn out of his belt. One second he was fine, the next, he felt a blade press against his throat.

Out of thin hair, a dark hand gripping a dagger flickered into existence. Sapphire sat with her mouth gaping while Tashara clapped.

Furious, Gen grabbed the blade of the dagger and the metal crumbled into dust in an instant. Naajim backed away, horrified.

For a moment, both boys glared at each other until Saphire broke the silence by getting up and running out of the cavern. Tashara's eyebrows scrunched together in thought. Gen felt like he knew why the feisty girl acted that way.

She killed the Shadow Assassin and he was Naajim's father. It was either hate, shock or guilt burning in the girl's mind. Curious, Gen asked, 'Did you ever meet your father?'

Naajim seemed rather shocked at his question, 'Never.'

'So I guess you won't be upset when I say that he is dead...'

Naajim shrugged awkwardly. 'I had a feeling he was already gone. So no, I feel nothing.'

Gen nodded. At least the boy was not too emotional. But something about him told that his extent of emotions were somewhat limited. But he had to admit, daggers might work. Naajim could be invisible. It would be very easy for him to sneak up on opponents. But Gen was not well taught on how to use knives and daggers. As he remembered his training was cut short. But then again, knights rarely used daggers.

'Let's stop for now.'

The Oblivion gave out a released sigh and left to his room. Tashara followed suit until only Gen was left in the dark room. Gen was just about to leave when he noticed the large book out of the corner or his eye. Gingerly, he picked it up. He was sure she had stolen it from the library. The book was old and dusty with its pages in the verge of falling apart like wings of an ink-moth. It's title read, "The Rise and Fall of Kingdoms."

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