Day Two

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"Yuri, wake up. We have to go for school" I heard before opening my eyes to see my brother waking me up

I helped me sit up as I looked out the window

"It's still pretty dark?" I asked

"It's because so we have time to get a dorm for school. Also, we'll be sleeping in the same dorm." He answered

"Oh okay" I said before standing up to go the bathroom to brush my messy bed hair.

After I finished brushing my hair, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. After eating with my family, Yukhei and I hurriedly went back to our rooms to get dressed.

The uniform for our school was pretty nice. It was just a simple white blouse with most of it covered with a black blouse with the school tag at it's chest part. Almost same goes for boy's, it's just that they're polos.

After putting on my uniform, I went to grab a comb to tie my hair up in a high ponytail.

Soon after I finished, I went downstairs and got in the car where Dad, Mom and Yukhei were already at.

"The two of you will stay in the dorms of your school for the whole year, your dad and I will return to our house so if you need something, don't go to the rest house anymore. And don't worry about your items, we'll deliver them to your dorms"
mom explained

After a few minutes, we arrived to the school. It had high buildings surrounding the garden where the signature tree that the school represents is placed. It isn't called Birch Academy for no reason. Our parents dropped Yukhei and I off. We walked in with students looking at us as we walk. Most of them were girls that were looking at Yukhei. I don't blame them, he looks good after all.

Soon, we arrived to the head office and got our dorm keys. We walked to a long hallway before arriving in our dorm. As we went in, I was in full shock. The dorm itself wasn't that big, but it looked so comfy and relaxing.

Yukhei and I's room were separated. In the middle of the room was a floor slightly pushed down compared to the rest of the room's floor height. In the center of it was a fireplace with couches around it. At the left side of the room was the kitchen and dining area. There were three doors, one beside the kitchen which was the bathroom, another door behind the couches which was my room, and the last one at the right wall of the room, which was Yukhei's room.

"Well, this looks nice"
Yukhei stated


"Let's get our things ready so you can meet my friends"

I answered

After a few minutes, we finished packing our things went out from the dorm.

After a few walks trying to find Yukhei's friends, we finally found them.

"Yukhei! and.." they looked at me confusingly

"Yuri" I smiled at them

"But d-didn't she-" a dark brown haired guy stuttered

"Hear me out first okay? Yuri is a robot, and no she is different from what you guys are thinking of" Yukhei explained

As I looked around to familiarize with their faces, my gaze stopped at a red haired guy. He was looking at me in displeasure. It was as if I've done something bad to him.

"Tsk, ridiculous" he said before walking off

"D-did I do something wrong?"
I asked

"Uhm no you didn't, it's just that-"
A blue haired guy was stopped by Yukhei

"Anyways, let's go to class now" he said as he stared sharply at the blue haired boy, indicating something.

We arrived in the room and saw that the red haired guy was already there, sitting in the corner.

I proceeded to sit at the back beside Yukhei, for protection as they say.

The class started and finished after about 4 hours.

"You'll sit with us at lunch" Yukhei told me before grabbing my wrist and running to the cafeteria

"Y-Yukhei wait!"
I said

"Gosh, such a snail. Hurry up!" he laughed before continuing on running

Lunch was awkward for me. I sat between Yukhei and his black haired friend, and the red haired guy in front of me, staring at me nonstop, still with displeasure. I don't even know their names.

"Since we weren't able to meet you properly earlier, we will be doing so now" The blue haired guy said as he smiled at me

"I am Jungwoo, he's Jaehyun, Sicheng or Winwin, Minhyung or Mark, Doyoung, Ten" he said

"And finally, our group leader. Taeyong." he said pointing at the red haired guy

"Taeyong stop doing that, you're scaring her" Ten said

Taeyong looked at him for a while before standing up and walking off

"I really feel like this is happening because of me" I said

"No, it's just that, it's just that.." Jungwoo stopped for a moment

"Personal problems" he continued

"Oh" I replied

The rest of the school hours went on well, I was able to recite some things in classes.

But I also didn't forget about the rule, not to tell anyone that I am a robot. Only Yukhei's friends could know about it.

After classes, Yukhei decided to go out with his friends and bring me along with them.

We went to the café that we were supposed to meet at and saw the boys in a table at the corner.

We sat down and started talking about things. It was again, pretty awkward. Since I was seated at the very right of the chair, Yukhei sitting at my left and Taeyong sitting in front of me. But instead of looking at me in displeasure, he was scrolling down his phone. I felt out of place, they were all enjoying delicious foods while I was drinking oil. We talked about some stuff like what we're the things I like. Until they decided for me to say what I thought with each of them, meeting them in the first day. I finished talking about all of them, except Taeyong.

"And finally, uhm.. T-Taeyong"
I stuttered, why did I stutter?

"H-he seems nice and.. And thoughtful, I guess?" I looked at him to be greeted by him already staring at me without any emotion.

"Well you absolutely thought correct about him" Minhyung said

"Do I really look like a bunny?" Doyoung asked confusingly

"Yes" everyone answered

"awh" he sighed cutely on purpose

All of us laughed and decided to enjoy the rest of the day.

After hanging out with them, Yukhei and I decided to go home first. It was only 6pm but because of my curfew, we had to go earlier to finish homework.

"Did you have fun?" Yukhei asked

"Yeah, yeah I did" I answered smiling

It was true, they were fun to be with. The only thing I didn't like was how Taeyong was treating me. That whole day he hasn't talked to me. Something really feels wrong, does he just really hate me?

After doing our homeworks and washing up, Yukhei and I decided to go to sleep.


If you guys are wondering how Yuri sleeps, she doesn't. She lays on her bed and waits for 10pm to arrive.

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