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Taeyong's P.O.V.

I texted the other boys to be here by 7:00am sharp so we can start looking for Yuri.

Today is the second day of us, looking for Yuri with authorities.

Jungwoo sat on the silk couch, both his legs on it while scrolling through his phone, looking for any news about Yuri from other people.

Soon, the boys arrived and we all walked to the school head's office.

I knocked on the door.

"come in" a voice from inside said

We walked in and saw four policemen seated in front of the school's head.

"They are the friends of the person whom is missing"

The school's head said as the policemen stood up and we bowed to each other.

"Before we start our journey. Can we ask you some questions so we know where it could lead to" one of the officers said.

We looked at each other before giving the officer a nod.

"Now, tell me something, it doesn't have to be really accurate" The officer reminded

"Something that you think might have been the cause of Yuri going missing" He continued

I though for a moment, what could be the closest thing that I remember, about Yuri going missing?

Then, something hit me.

"I-I think it might be because of.." I said, drifting off as everybody in the room looked at me.

"Yukhei, Yuri's brother. They got along pretty well until their parents got into an accident, killing them. Yukhei then started not being himself. To the point where he hated and kicked out Yuri from their dorm" I said as the officers were trying to figure it out.

"Does he perhaps.. Study here too?"

"Yes, yes he does"

"We can go visit their dorm and see if he's there" The officer said

I nodded as we went out of the room to walk to Yukhei's dorm.

We reached their dorm and knocked on the door.

We knocked multiple times but none of them were answered.

That was when it got more suspicious.

The policemen had come to a conclusion that Yukhei must've been involved in this case.

We decided to look for them outside the school, while the school's head asked some staffs to look for them inside the school's premises.

As we were walking, Liena walked beside me.

"Taeyong" she said

"Hmm?" I hummed

"I'm starting to get more and more nervous about this. My instincts are saying some thing's not right. I hope I'm just over thinking" She sighed

"Don't worry, we'll find her" I replied, unsurely

"I know you're just saying that to make me feel better, but I do hope we'll find her" She said, looking down.

We continued walking, until we stopped in a certain spot.

There were stores in the middle and two separate roads at each side.

"We'll separate here. Two of us will go on the right side with four of you, while the rest goes to the left side" One of the officers said.

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