Day Four

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I woke up earlier than usual. Normally I would wake up at 5:00am but today, I woke up at 4:15am. Most probably because of the noise coming outside of my room. I couldn't figure out what it was so I decided to look for it myself.

The sight was shocking. Yukhei kneeling down, holding a phone. I walked closer as I saw him sobbing. I immediately sat beside him and hugged him.

"What's the matter, Yukhei? Why are you crying?" I asked

"M-mom and D-dad" He stuttered between hiccups from crying

"They're gone, Yuri. They're gone" he continued

What does he mean they're gone? Perhaps they are now officially in New Zealand, or maybe..
Oh god no way please.

"What? H-how?"
I tried asking calmly but failed

"The plane they boarded in crashed.. Yuri, what will I do now?" He asked me desperately

"B-but we still don't know if they really died.. Right?" I asked

"Yuri, there's no way they survived there"
he said

"They fell in the middle of the ocean at 12:00am and rescuers only went there at 3:00am"

My world crashed
But why?
We haven't even had a proper family trip out yet..
Mom hasn't even braid my hair yet.
Dad still haven't me from boys courting me
We never had a complete family picture before..?
Why did this suddenly happen?
Only a small hope filled in my heart. Which was hopefully, they actually survived the crash. It may seem possible but that's the only way.

Yukhei decided to not go to school today, but that doesn't mean I also won't. I'd still have to explain to his friends on what happened.

After getting ready, I decided to head out.

"Uhm, I'll go now. Please take care of yourself while I'm gone" I said before going to the class

I walked down the hallways with liquid trying to come out from the corner of my eyes. I didn't even hear their voices at least 24 hours before it happened.

Before realizing, I was already in front of the door to my class. I took a deep breath in before proceeding inside the room.

"Oh hey, Yuri! Where's Yukhei?" Mark said

"Uhm, he isn't feeling well today" I said with sadness heard from my tone of speaking

"Are you okay?" Jungwoo asked

"I guess.. I don't know"

"Something's wrong, what is it?" Jaehyun asked

"O-our parents we're involved in a plane crash" I spoke fastly trying to stop myself from crying. Luckily, they were able to hear it

"W-what? Really? We're sorry for asking and um.. Condolence" Doyoung said

"Oh it's fine. You guys should probably worry more to Yukhei, he's been acting so different earlier" I said

"I'll call him" Sicheng said

Soon, he rang the phone
It rang
and rang
and rang
No answer.

The other boys decided to call Yukhei as well but he didn't answer any of them.

"I-I'll try"
I said before ringing my own phone to call him

He answered

"Hello? Yuri?"

"Yukhei? How are you doing there?"

"Uhm, fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks for checking, bye" he said before hanging up

"Well that really is weird. Is he perhaps, being distant to us?"
Ten asked

"I don't think so. He just has to recover from the incident"
I said reassuring him

"Probably" he responded

"That sure isn't going to happen fastly"
We all looked at Taeyong who spoke

"He loves his parents too much. It wouldn't be easy to let go of someone you love. At least I know so"
he continued before going back to listening to music through his phone


After class ended, I decided to bring the boys to the dorm so they could see Yukhei.

Once I opened the door, it was a complete mess. Vases were smashed all over the place, and there were beer cans everywhere. I didn't even knew he drinks. As I looked everywhere to find him, I was able to spot him sleeping on the couch. Well, this is pretty embarrassing for the boys. I glanced at them before waking up Yukhei.

"Yukhei, wake up. Your friends are here" I said

He opened his eyes and looked at me before looking at the boys

"Tell them to go back home, I'm not really feeling like I wanna hang out with them"

"Please, they just want to check on you"
I asked pleading

"Yuri, I said no"
he said coldly, his stare piercing through my eyes

I took a deep breath before going back to the boys.

"I'm really sorry to say this but, he said he wants some time alone" I said

"It's alright. If something happens, call us" Mark reassured me

"Thanks for understanding"
I smiled at them

Soon after they left, I closed the door and cleaned everything up. Afterwards,

"Yukhei? Yukhei, do you want to eat something or just sleep?"
I asked him

"Sure" he answered

It was a multiple choice question but okay, I guess he's hungry
I decided to feed him a hot chicken soup before he went back to sleep. I went to his room to grab some of his pillows and blanket to tuck him in sleep properly.

Afterwards, I decided to go to sleep

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