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Cold wind lingered around the air, as Taeyong put flowers on the each of the graves of the Wong family.

One for Yuseok, one for Nari, one for Yukhei, and two for the Yuris.

He remembered every happy moments he created with them.
Especially Yukhei and Yuri.
By now, they could've graduated all together.

But they didn't. Two of the group layed six feet below the ground. Four has moved back to their countries. One has already been ruling their company. One has went back to their hometown to take care of their parents. Now, Taeyong's only with one of them, Doyoung.

He insisted on driving Taeyong to the graveyard as he was going to pass by the graveyard to get across his house anyways. After about 5 minutes, he left leaving Taeyong alone in the graveyard after saying his farewell.

He's realized, no matter how much you've promised to stay with someone, you'll still be separated from them no matter what.

He wiped off the tear that insisted on coming out before sighing deep and standing up.

He walked his way back. The road was quiet, dried leaves scattered beside it, on which Taeyong stepped on. He loved and would get excited when stepping on a dried leaf. But now, he just fakely smiled to it before proceeding on walking.

He went into the café to warm up from the coldness outside. Bell jingling once he enters the place, alerted a waiter to approach him.

Once he sat down on a seat by the front window, a waiter walked to him.

"Good Morning, sir!" He greeted

Nothing was good about the morning
Taeyong just smiled in response.

"What would you like to order, sir?" The waiter asked

"Just a coffee" Taeyong answered. The waiter nodded before walking off to the station.

He looked around the café.
It wasn't exactly the same as it was 2 years ago.
He remembered going here with the nine of them, cheering and laughing as if problems couldn't stop them.

But now, everything shattered. He was left alone now.

He looked out to the window and saw a couple with a little girl holding onto both of their hands.

That could've been us by now if you stayed 5 years ago, He thought.

The waiter came back with the coffee.

"Enjoy your day, sir" The waiter smiled at him genuinely

Taeyong hoped everyone was just like that waiter. No matter how tired he was, it wouldn't stop him from being a source of happiness.

He sighed before colliding his hands to the hot cup of coffee.

Speaking of hot, Taeyong had a habit on just holding onto the cup and not with the handle. So, he held the cup but let it go as soon as possible once the hotness hits his palm. The coffee fell sidewards onto the table. Thankfully, not shattering. But the coffee did stain Taeyong.

He hissed from the hotness before holding the cup of coffee back onto the table in it's proper way.

He stood up and looked down to his clothes. His shirt and pants were both stained, his hands were really stained.

He sighed once again before walking to the washing area.
He opened the tap and started washing off the stain from us hands when suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened, revealing a familiar figure of a girl pass by.

He frowned and turned off the tap before drying his hands and running off to where the girl went.

He stopped when he saw the girl sitting with a boy on the same table, who also looked familiar.

Taeyong walked closer with silent footsteps.

"Oh, hey there man" the boy greeted Taeyong.

The girl also looked back, seeing Taeyong who's eyes were widened.

That's Yukhei and Yuri. But they're dead, I must be crazy. He thought

The boy smiled before pulling Taeyong beside him.

"You look lost, man. Need any help?" The boy smiled widely at Taeyong, putting his arms around his neck.

Taeyong flinched from the action before speaking up.

"M-May I ask what your names are? You guys just look really familiar" Taeyong's voice cracked from the nervousness.

"Oh? I'm Lucas and she's Luna. My twin sister" The boy pointed at himself and to the girl who smiled at Taeyong genuinely.

"To be honest, I can't believe she's my twin sister she looks nothing like me. I mean, she doesn't look good just as I do" The boy spoke up, earning a hit from the girl.

Taeyong looked at the both of them, and smiled.

Hopefully, they'll get along well and that they won't separate from each other like how he did with the others.

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