Day Eleven

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"Yuri, wake up we gotta get to class ya dummy!" I heard someone call out

I opened my eyes and sat up, greeted by Jungwoo who looked really impatient.

"Oh my god you seriously just woke u— I thought you were already getting ready!" He said pulling me off of the sheets.

"Hold, where's Taeyong?" I asked Jungwoo

"He's outside already now go dress up, just go drink that oil thing on our way there"

"Fine" I said

"Go do your business. Like you said, I gotta change my clothes" I said chuckling as I grabbed my uniform from the closet.

"Right" He said before dashing off, earning a chuckle from me.

I slipped off my pajamas made of silk and cotton and exchanged it with the red plaid skirt and put on the white blouse along with the black blazer, serving as the uniform. I tied my hair into a usual high ponytail, grabbed my bag, and went out of the room to the two boys.

"Took you long enough"
Jungwoo chuckled as we walked through the hallways.

"Hey guys.. And girl" Mark said as we entered the room

"Mark, that's enough. You're getting more and more annoying as days pass by"
Doyoung snapped

"That wasn't even intended to be said to yo— you know what, fine" Mark said as he faced his back to us, pouting.

Doyoung rolled his eyes as we all sighed.

"Are you two ever gonna get along?" Jaehyun asked

"We will and that is when Yuri's parts are being contained in a container"
Doyoung said bitterly as I looked down.

"Doyoung!" Taeyong said

"Someone clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed today"
Ten stated

"Speaking of Yuri, we should all spend time with her as much as we can. Cause.. Well"
Sicheng's words drifted away as he looked down as well

"Enough with the drama, the teacher's here" Jaehyun said

The class started as the teacher started teaching about sets of numbers. Yeah, math.

The boys beside me all look wasted. Jaehyun and Taeyong are both frowning to the board. Sicheng and Mark had given up on listening so now they're just writing. Jungwoo, who looked rather interested in the lesson. Ten looking off into space. And finally, Doyoung who has pretty much given up on life, drifted to sleep discreetly.

"Class dismissed" The teacher said, grabbing his things and leaving the room.

The boys and I gathered around each other as we all walked to the cafeteria.

"Did y'all know about that new student?" Ten asked

"I've heard of her but I don't really know anything about her" Jaehyun replied

"Well you won't believe this"

"Remember that girl yesterday at the amusement park? Yeah, she's the new student. She saw our uniform and decided to look up the school in the Internet and liked it so now she's studying here" Ten continued

"Really?" Sicheng's head popped out of nowhere.

"Yeah, let's try and find her there at the cafeteria" Ten replied as we continued walking to the cafeteria.

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