Day Seven

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(Read on your own risk.)

I woke up a little later than usual. I looked around as I didn't feel the soft cushion carrying my body. Until I remembered, something unusual happened last night with Yukhei and I shut down by his door. But I don't even think he has left his room yet. I looked at the clock on the wall, 6:15am. I better hurry and get ready for school.

After getting ready, I slowly glanced at Yukhei's door before going out to the class. As usual, I walked through the hallways, alone, until I reached the classroom.

I looked around and saw Taeyong with the rest of the boys. I know I thanked him multiple times yesterday already but it's just, it doesn't seem enough. He just saved my life, he saved me from leaving Yukhei, he saved me from leaving this world too early.

His smiling face suddenly turned into a frown after seeing me

"What is it again now?"
He asked me irritatingly

"I just wanted to.. To thank you again" I told him

"You already told me that multiple times yesterday so stop it. It's making me annoyed" He said

"S-sorry, it's just that—"

"Oh yeah, you two haven't told any of us on what happened yesterday." Mark cut me off

"Simple, she wasn't careful enough that she had girls picking on her and almost threw her to the pool. Luckily, I was there" Taeyong said with no emotion

"You sound like a superhero" Doyoung chuckled

"Can't y'all just forget about it? Besides, I only did for the sake of Yukhei"

"Damn right, Tingtong" Ten laughed

"But, Yuri. You never told us that you were getting picked on? How long has that been happening?" Jungwoo asked

"Uhm.. Not too long.. Probably about two days ago. But we shouldn't worry about that, we should worry about Yukhei. He hasn't come out of his room for the past two days. Last night, I heard sniffles and cries from his room but he wouldn't open the door." I said

"You should've told us. What if Taeyong didn't find you in time yesterday? Yukhei's gonna be even more broken" Jaehyun said

"Yeah, but I doubt he still cares about me. He's been distant to me"

"Uh. Something seems wrong here, why don't you go ask him multiple times later?" Winwin said

"That's just gonna annoy him"

"It wouldn't hurt to try"


And from then on, the rest of the class went on until lunch time.

"Denise Williams, Karen Hong, Clara Lee, Anna Yoon and Yuri Wong. Please proceed to the School Head's Office"

The speaker said. It must be about the bullying thing happening lately. I hope I don't get in trouble.

I walked through turns in the hallways to the School Head's Office and saw the four girls all sitting with a displeased expression.

"Yuri Wong, please sit down" The School's Head said

"We've heard about the incident that has happened between you five from Lee Taeyong. Now, you four explain why you have been bullying Yuri Wong" She continued

"We were just worried about Yukhei as he hasn't been attending the classes for two days. And everything happened after she has entered the school. So I sure am she is involved with Yukhei not attending classes" Karen said

"Yuri Wong, may you please explain something to clear anything with them?" The School's Head asked

"I am involved on what has been happening to him but I am not the cause of it. We have been hanging around most of the time lately because he is my older brother. And the reason why he hasn't been in school is because our parents got into a plane crash and he's broken lately. He locks himself in his room and doesn't even talk to me anymore. Then you girls decided to show up and I had to deal with two major things. Trying to recover someone and tying to avoid people like you who says something bad about my brother when he is in the worst state he could be. Are you happy to know now?" I snapped

"Well, Miss Wong. Sorry for your loss. Now you four, I'm pretty sure she has cleared all the misunderstandings you had with her. Will you leave her alone now and not do that to anyone else?" She asked calmly

"Yes, we're sorry." They all said in unison

"It's alright" I said before walking out of the room and proceeding back to the classroom.

The rest of the day went on well. As I went back to the dorm, surprised to see Yukhei in the kitchen with his back facing me.

"Yukhei!" I said in relief
But that all stopped as he faced me with tears flowing on his cheeks, cuts on his left wrist while holding a blade with his right hand

"Y-Yukhei , what are you doing. Stop that" I said with my voice shaking

"Don't come near me, don't!" He shouted

"Yukhei, please. Don't do that to yourself" I said with tears creeping up in the corner of my eyes. I tried walking nearer to comfort him

"I said don't get near me, which part did you not understand?!"

"How am I supposed to leave you cutting yourself there?!"

"Just let me do so myself, you monster!"

W-what? Why is he calling me a monster?

As I was on thought, tears were already flowing through my cheeks

"You do know that everything is your fault! Ever since you came everything went downhill! First, I lost my best friend. Second, I lost my parents. Third, I lost my reputation. Fourth, I lost myself. And lastly, I lost my sister"

"What do you mean?! I'm here, please stop doing that and let me comfort you!"

"Just leave before I do something to you!"

"I won't!"

Yukhei got angry, his body is all red. He grabbed the nearest vase and threw it at my direction. Luckily, I was able to dodge it before it hit me.
"Yukhei stop!"

As I tried to stand up after getting my senses back. I was greeted by Yukhei grabbing the collar of my cloth

"Why does everytime you enter my life, it always doesn't end well? Why can't I just have a happy memory with you?! And why does every bad things that happen have to be your fault?! I really don't want to get angry on you but it's MY parents we're talking about here. If it wasn't because of you. They wouldn't have to travel the world to buy you something. If it wasn't because of you they wouldn't have been involved in a plane crash. If it wasn't because of you, I wouldn't have lost them!" He said as he threw me on the floor.

"Get out!" He said as I ran out of the dorm. As I walked out of the room, a loud slam by the door was heard indicating he has closed and locked the door harshly.

I leaned buy the door with my arms wrapped around my legs as I looked down.

What did he mean by 'everytime I entered his life, it always doesn't end well'?

I brushed the question off my head as I thought about the harsh words he has told me earlier. They were all true. Everything seemed fine at first until I entered their lives.

I looked up and leaned my head on the door with tears flowing through my cheeks as I waited to shut down.

Another night where I cried leaning by the door. Is this really gonna be my life now?

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