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Rydell High School
Venice, California 1959

Lauren's hands shook uncontrollably. She tried to control her breathing as she rested her face on her hand, hoping the violent anxiety racing throughout her would go away. It was almost painful, squeezing her chest and churning her stomach, making Lauren hate her own body and not because of her insecurities.

She shifted her feet on the ground, squeezing her knees together as she sat in the small stall of the school's outside bathroom. She wiped her sweaty palms on her black pants and tried to keep away the tears threatening to cloud her vision as she counted down each passing second, waiting for the small stick that sat on the floor in front of her to seal her fate.

She had put it on the ground, because she was afraid she wouldn't be able to read it if she was holding it, her hands wouldn't have held it still enough. This fear inside of her hadn't gone away since the small red dots of her feminine physique lined her panties a week too late.

In her mind, she knew it was wrong to sleep with Zayn without protection. But she never actually expected to be in this situation. Zayn had looked amazing, and Lauren was tired of waiting. How could a harmless night of fun go so wrong?

Her eyes went wide as she saw the small pink lines of the pregnancy test appearing, causing her breath to hitch. She quickly picked it up and tried to look at it better, holding her hand with her other so it wouldn't shake as hard.

No matter which way Lauren looked at it, the two lines still held true, unlike her insides, which plummeted and left her a scared mess. (i don't think these tests were around back then but just go with it. and I also know sometimes they aren'taccurate but don't tell anyone lol)

Lauren was pregnant.

A sob escaped her lips and she quickly covered her mouth so no one would hear. She took deep breaths to try to calm herself, stuffing the pregnancy test in her purse and standing up from the toilet. She pushed the stall door open, peeking out to make sure no one else was there before getting out.

The school mirror really didn't compliment her, but she figured even with nice lighting, her runny mascara and her smeared red lipstick wouldn't help.

She sighed and turned the water on, grabbing a paper towel and wetting it with water. She tried to lightly dab at the black smudges under her eyes, but found it didn't help. Her light sobs and building frustration turned her into someone else as her light dabs escalated into rough wipes, turning her cheeks a raw red as she forced the mascara from her face.

After it was all gone, she took off her smeared lipstick before throwing the towel into the trash can. She leveled her heavy breathing and grabbed her lipstick tube out of her purse, swiping it across her lips so they took on their red color again.

Lauren slid her shades on to cover her puffy green eyes as she pulled open the bathroom door and walked out, pushing down the scared little girl she really was so she could retain her badass reputation.

Normani stood against the wall, arms crossed as she blew bubbles with her pink bubblegum. She picked herself up when she saw Lauren come out and sighed, thankful her long wait was over. Lauren looked at her and gulped, lowering her head just in case Normani could see she had been crying.

"What took ya so long, girl? Almost had me talkin' to Matty because I was getting so bored," she said, chewing her gum obnoxiously. Matt appeared from around the corner, a big smile on his face at the mention of his name.

"Someone say my name?" He asked, smirking as Normani rolled her eyes and Lauren grew nervous.

"Get out of here, greaser," Normani pushed his face back, making him stumble as she grabbed Lauren's arm and led her away from him. Matty huffed and walked behind them quietly.

Grease (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now