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(there's your gangshit, sorry in advance, don't hate me xoxo)
5:09 pm, Tuesday
Rydell High School
Venice, California 1959

Y/N's cigarette hung between her pointer and middle finger, every once in a while being flicked into the light breeze that blew along the courtyard of Rydell. She leaned against a rusting railing that lined the ramp heading from the main doors to the parking lot, watching the students file in and out of as they came from after school activities and clubs.

She brought the cigarette up to her lips and breathed in the smoke as she saw the door of the school open to reveal Ariana, Lili, and Shay, all walking out because cheer practice had ended, meaning Camila would be out soon. She watched the short cheer captain walk away from her sadly, feeling grief and a heavy weight on her shoulders as she thought about her deceased child. She had just learned about it, and yet even a year after she felt as if a piece of her had been ripped away.

The smoke poured out of her mouth as she imagined what the kid might look like, but shook away the image and let her head fall in disappointment. Her thoughts had somehow blurred out all external sound, becoming so consuming that she didn't realize a certain Cuban exiting the school and coming up to her.

"Y/N?" Camila called out softly, making the taller girl whip around almost guiltily, like she was hiding something.

"Oh, hey, Camila. Ready to go?" She asked quickly, shifting around until she regained her bearings. Camila gave her a weird look, suspicion and confusion melted together into one.

"No, I want to talk first—"

"We could get some food somewhere, or go to that little spot in the park that you like. I know Zayn's got Lauren over at his house, he'd probably let us come over—"

"Wait, wait, wait, I need to know, is everything okay? Are you okay?" She asked, placing her hand on her girlfriend's arm who threw her cigarette on the ground and stepped on it with her foot.

"Yeah, I'm okay, everything's okay. Why do you ask?" She asked, playing dumb as Camila deadpanned, feeling a little betrayed because she knew Y/N wasn't telling her the truth.

"You just... you don't seem like yourself," she started, moving her books from one arm to another because they were getting heavy. "You haven't all day, since you came back from talking with Ariana. Did she say something to you?" She asked, making Y/N sigh and look away from her eyes.

"No, no," she tried, tapping her foot on the ground nervously. "Well... yes, she did. But it wasn't anything bad, i-it wasn't like that. It was just..." Y/N trailed off, not being able to find the right word, and not even wanting to talk about it. She took a shaky breath through her parted lips and looked down.

Camila felt a dark feeling grow in the pit of her stomach. She could see how upset this was making her girlfriend, and she had seen how shaken she had been when she returned to the lunch table earlier. She expected trust in their relationship, and seeing that it was hard for Y/N to tell Camila whatever this was made Camila think Y/N didn't trust her.

"Hey, it's okay. Just tell me what's bothering you and maybe I can help you with it," Camila said softly, taking the taller girl's hand in her own. Y/N looked down at their intertwined fingers and bit her lip, the aching emptiness of her unborn child suffocating her.

"I don't know if you can."

"Try me."

Y/N took a deep breath and leaned back against the railing, motioning for Camila to stand next to her.

"Okay, well, as you already know, Ariana and I used to... sleep around—" Y/N cringed while Camila nodded her head understandingly, not judging her girlfriend who she knew was changing from her old ways. "—but it never went any further than that. Obviously, it was cut off when I met you because you were like a slap in the face. I mean everything I used to do seemed so immature and stupid and I never want to go back to the person I was before you came into the picture—"

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