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The Y/LN Estate
Venice, California 1959

Waking up from a good dream is always torture. One second, you were having the time of your life, doing everything you ever wanted to do thanks to your subconscious that works constantly to create a hallucination that can get you through a long period of blackness as your body rests and revives itself.

Camila had been having the best dream she had had in a while. It was full of pretty landscapes and a pretty girl, lots of kisses and that amazing, heart-wrenching feeling that you can physically feel it even though it's not reality.

Any other morning that she would've woken up from a dream as good as that one, she would've been put in a bad mood all day, angry that she had woken. She probably would've spent an hour in bed trying to fall back asleep so she could return to it.

But this morning, it was as if she was in reverse. As her eyes slowly blinked open, a smile formed on her full lips because she had woken up to her dream.

She was laying on her side, her eyes showing her the view out of the window above the bed. Outside the sun shone down on the beautiful backyard where birds chirped in the willows and a large, colorful garden sat to the side. A small, old lady crouched next to it, pulling at weeds with her small hands that were covered with blue gardening gloves.

She felt the light weight of an arm wrapped around her waist. She slowly turned around, loving the feeling of another body holding her. Y/N slept soundlessly, her soft lips slightly parted. Her head rested on the pillow right behind Camila, so her nose would occasionally get tickled by Camila's wavy hair and cause her to stir a bit.

Camila turned all the way over so she could face Y/N, running her fingers along Y/N's arm under the covers. She felt the warm happiness in her chest when she leaned up and placed a soft kiss on the older girl's forehead. It was small and quick, but still, Y/N shifted a bit. Camila couldn't help but smile brightly when Y/N's Y/EC eyes revealed themselves slowly.

The light yet piercing color of her eyes compliment her sleepy smile as Y/N buried her face into Camila's neck as she closed her eyes again, ready to fall back asleep. She let out a content sigh as she breathed in the lavender smell of Camila's hair.

"Good morning," Camila said softly, bringing her hand up to the base of Y/N's neck so she could run her fingers along it.

"Morning." Y/N got out, stretching her arms so they went past Camila as they rested around her waist. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to Camila's nose. "I thought I had still been dreaming when I woke up to your smile."

Camila didn't know what to say, so instead, she pulled Y/N closer to her and left a light kiss on the side of Y/N's mouth. The Y/HC girl blushed and sighed as they laid there together in comfortable silence.

Y/N's hand made its way up to Camila's bare face, cupping her cheek and tracing her cheekbones with the pad of her thumb. To her, Camila looked the most beautiful as she was. Of course, when she wore makeup she still took Y/N's breath away, but her skin looked so soft without foundation or concealer. Her eyes didn't need mascara to grab her and hold her there. Y/N loved the little bit of acne that spread about her hairline. Camila was absolutely flawless.

"It's rude to stare," Camila giggled, hiding her face in the pillows while she started to feel a little insecure with the perfect girl studying her.

"No, come back," Y/N whined, hugging her tighter. "I can't help it. You're so beautiful." Camila giggled and pushed her face farther into the pillow, away from Y/N who groaned.

"Do you enjoy torturing me, Camila? Because that's exactly what you're doing. My eyes are in withdrawal from not being able to look at you. I'm going to die." Y/N huffed jokingly while Camila clicked her tongue and pouted.

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