Chapter 22 - the expelled wizard

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"Now go make sure he doesn't see the
Medallion otherwise he will use that against you, he will do anything to win a match and I mean anything, he is the reason the other schools have started to fear you. Its cause of what he did." Mr. Heart's face darkened.
Just who is this guy?
"They say he can cast any fire elemental weapon and make his own spells." Hope says with dispair.
"Wait, you mean I could cast weapon spells this entire time"
They both look at me and say "Yes."
"How come I've never seen any of these spells before!" I feel so left in the dark
"You could of found the spell book in the library. Even I know a couple." Hope looks so proud to know a spell I don't.
"Well all I need is a sword spell, then I can duel wield and cast dragons breath if he get too far" I say
"No, he's a fire mage so fire won't affect him. I'm going to teach you something only a sorcerer can do"


I walk out to the field and everyone sits far from the battle field. In the middle of the field stands an older teen wearing glasses and a dress shirt.
Why is he all dressed up?
"So your the half assed replacement I've heard so much about. I've come back to take my place back on top of the other mages, I've come to take back my throne" his eyes sharpen.
"Is talking all you can do or are you going to back those words up."
Next all I see is a flash of bright green and a spear of fire through my stomach and then I'm thrown off of it and across the grass. I cough up blood and look back and see him holding the spear and green fire at his feet, he smirks and snaps his fingers and many spears appear around him, floating. He snaps again and they all fly at me and pierce my chest, I fall to the ground unable to move.
"Hm interesting, your still alive. Not many can survive that, in fact your the second. Well too bad, I guess I'll take back my place back on top."
No I can't let him go!
With what strength I have left I take my blood and make a magic circle on my arm then I slam my arm against the ground, blood seal, mana swirls around the 'demon' and holds on to him, no one but me can see this cause I can see the mana.
"WHAT! I can't move! What did you do?!" He screams in frustration.
I'm in too much pain to speak so I just stare at him till I finally pass out...


"An- And- Andrew wake up!"
I wake up to see Jennifer in tears
"You idiot" she wipes away her tears "I thought you died" she hugs me and pain spikes through my body but she doesn't let go when I tense up.
"Hope called everyone at the other schools and told them what happened and I came as soon as possible. Everyone else is in the office waiting to till you woke up" she says softly still holding on to me. "Please... you need to stop putting yourself in so much danger. I- we need you." She tightens her grip on me.
"Okay...I'll try"

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