Not In Kansas Anymore

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I was walking through the woods sniffing the crisp cool autumn air, feeling the soft cool breeze as it drifted through the trees, and feeling the hard ground as my paws pressed into it with every step. Days like this were freeing and I loved them. None of my friends knew of my ability to shift into a large wolf; it was my best kept secret. One I doubted anyone would understand; even I didn't fully understand. I had never seen my parents shift nor had they ever mentioned the ability to me. And so I felt it was just this strange, beautiful gift that I alone had. Looking ahead of me, glowing blue eyes locked onto a fox, I lowered my body down and lifted my back haunches. My tail flicked through the air and without a sound I ran forward wanting to play with the smaller creature. It went down a hill and I lept over it, but when I landed I wasn't in the forest I had been in. The trees here were more vibrant and the air was warmer. The grass under my paws was soft and green.

I sat down in confusion and cocked my head trying to figure out where I was. My ears swiveled forward as the sound of hooves and voices tickled them. I wiggled my nose and took in a deep breath. I could smell ponies, the earth and something else I had never smelt before. The sounds were coming closer so I decided to stay sitting where I was and let whoever the group was come to me. Surely they would be able to give me answers on where I was. However as soon as I saw the group I didn't need them to answer any questions. I recognized that dark haired broody dwarf anywhere, Thorin Oakenshield. I shook my head thinking maybe I had fallen asleep there was no possible way I was in middle earth, but when I looked back up Thorin and the rest of his company where staring at me.

Dwalin had his axe out and Kili had an arrow pointed at me. It wasn't surprising, I was rather large in this form and looked like I could tear someone's head clear from their shoulders, which when thinking about it, was funny considering how small I was when I was human and how generally friendly I tended to be. “No need for the weapons I don't mean you any harm. Honestly I'm a bit lost.” I laid down and gazed up at Gandalf. Maybe the wizard could tell me how I ended up in a place that wasn't supposed to exist.

“The beast speaks,” Thorin said in confusion. I let out a snarl. “I'm not a beast I'm a human girl that can turn into a very large snow wolf. If I still had my clothes I would shift back and show you,” I explained. All the dwarves looked to their leader not knowing what to do. “Give her a cloak or something to cover up with,” he told them.

Kili having put his bow up climbed down and brought a blanket over to me laying it atop me. I shifted back into a blonde, blue eyed woman standing at 5’2. I wrapped the blanket around me to keep me covered. “Thank you, Kili. I appreciate your kindness, but some actually clothes would be nice.” I smiled at him. Thorin narrowed his eyes and climbed down storming over to me. “How do you know his name, witch?” He snarled. I raised a brow and pushed him back a bit. “Because that's what I do. I drink and I know things.” I smirked knowing they wouldn't get the reference. Oh how I would miss Game of Thrones! “Really though, I'm from another world if that much wasn't clear already. And, uh, where I'm from the story of your quest is a book.” I shrugged nonchalantly. I wasn't  going to tell them it was made into movies as well. The idea of explaining tv and such was too daunting.

“You know what our future holds?” He asked with a much calmer tone. I nodded my head. “Tell me,” he demanded.  I snorted and shook my head. Yeah that wasn't happening I had read one too many books and seen one too many movies that told me revealing the future was a bad idea. “I'll keep that information to myself, but I promise I'll help you on your journey. I just don't think telling you is a good idea. Certain things will change and I don't think they should. Some things need to happen,” I explained. Thorin went to argue, but Gandalf interrupted telling him my decision was a wise one.

I always did like that wizard. He and Radagast were awesome and to think I was actually in his presence was surreal. I smiled at him kindly just as Ori came up and nervously offered me some trousers that belonged to Fili, a tunic from Bilbo, and a pair of boots that were a bit too big from Dori. “Thanks darlin’ these will do for now.” I used my mouth to hold the blanket up as I slipped on the trousers. And then Ori held it up as I put the tunic on. It was a dark green and I liked the color. I looked down and sighed when I noticed my nipples. What I wouldn't give for a bra. But I didn't have one and I knew the dwarves wouldn't have anything to offer me that would serve as a makeshift one either. But that was one downside I was willing to deal with.

“What's your name lass?” Balin asked now that I was as decent as I was going to get.

“Alexandria, but you can call me Alex, Lex, Ria. Or any version really, I don't mind,” I replied.

Thorin was still eyeing me strangely. But I could see the wheels turning. “If you really plan to help then someone with your...ability could be useful,” he finally acceded. He wasn't happy about accepting someone he didn't know or trust, but I hadn't done anything to cause them harm when I easily could have.

I smirked and did a small happy dance not caring about the strange looks I received. Many times I had dreamed of coming on this journey, finding love, and changing the outcome. The Hobbit was one of my favorite books and I loved the movies. Now I was going to get the chance to change things for the better. I would make sure the line of Durin did not end.

Balin grabbed a contract and handed it to me. I didn't see the point in reading over it when I already knew what it said. It wasn't like I hadn't watched that scene many times and laughed as I found it to be hilarious. It was because of how Bilbo read over it, but Bofur really made it. “Think furnace with wings.” I silently laughed just thinking about it. I signed the contract and handed it back to the kindly old dwarf. His attitude and the way he looked reminded me of a grandfather and I decided then and there he was the most awesome grandfather figure ever.

“Welcome Alexandria, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield,” he said.

“Woop. This is awesome. Dreams really do come true. Take that Rosita from Uni 101. So do I get my own pony or will I have to ride with someone?” I asked.

“You'll have to ride with someone. The other ponies can't bare your weight and the supplies,” Thorin informed me.

“She can ride with me,” I heard someone say. I smiled and climbed up on the pony. “I promise not to be a bad riding partner,” I told the dwarf who was kind enough to let me ride with me. “I doubt you could be,” Fili replied. I settled behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I was far from home, but I was more than ready for my own adventure.

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