Second Chance, Part Five

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Emma was pacing back and forth in her apartment. She had been doing so for the last hour and a half.

Today was the day that she was going to tell Killian and Belle about their father.

All the different scenarios of how this would go had been replaying themselves in Emma's head ever since the night she had confronted Brennan a week ago. Frankly, she wasn't sure which one she preferred.

Though she now could trust Brennan, she still wanted to make sure he hadn't gotten cold feet about all of this. And so, she went to see him at the Nautilus a couple days prior.

Though she felt the slightest bit guilty about checking up on him, it was something she had to do. Brennan had understood, and he swore to her that he wasn't going anywhere.

Emma believed him, and now he needed to know if Killian and Belle would feel the same.

Deciding she needed to do something to get out of her own head, Emma opted for a snack. She headed for the kitchen and grabbed the milk, a bowl, Rice Krispies, and a banana.

She placed everything on the counter before grabbing the utensils. She fixed the cereal and replaced the milk before she set about cutting up the banana.

Her mind couldn't help but wander to how much had happened in the last couple months - and how much things would still change. She had tracked down her best friend and boyfriend's father fully expecting for him to be the same jerk that abandoned his families all those years ago. In fact, she had rather prepared for it.

What she hadn't been prepared for was that he had actually changed and that he wanted to do the right thing. And here she was helping him reunite with his kids - she trusted that he wouldn't hurt them again, though there were times she still couldn't actually believe it.

If she couldn't quite believe the turn of events, how in the hell would Killian and Belle react? If there was anyone who understands how hard it is to trust again after being hurt, it was her; however, she had never had to be reunited with the ones who caused those trust issues in the first place.

It wasn't until she saw the blood running down her finger that she realized she had sliced it.

"Damn it!" she cursed out loud as she winced. She quickly went over to the sink and ran her finger under the water while simultaneously searching through the drawers for a Band-Aid.

As soon as she had turned off the faucet, she heard a knock at her door. Knowing it was either Belle or Killian, she called out, "It's open!"

Her boyfriend was humming as he walked through the door. "Hello, Swan," he cheerily began with a smile.

His expression turned to one of concern when he saw his girlfriend wiping the still-pouring blood from her index finger.

He practically sprinted to the kitchen before he took her hand in his.

"Emma, what did you do?" he worriedly asked her.

The blonde sighed before she answered, "I was cutting up bananas to go into my cereal, and I accidentally cut my finger."

Instead of replying, Killian took the washrag from her hand and tightly tied it around her finger. He then located the Band-Aids in one of the drawers and quickly doctored her.

When he had finished, he placed a kiss on her forehead and told her, "All better, Swan."

She smiled at him as she responded, "Thank you, Killian." She then turned back to the kitchen counter and finished preparing her snack.

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