A Different Happy Ending: New Beginning - Part Three

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A few tables over, Killian's eyes flitted over to the young couple, his gaze lingering on the soothing gesture.

Emma noticed his stare and squeezed his arm. He jumped slightly before he turned to look back at her.

"Need something, love?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Emma began. She then nodded toward their daughter and continued, "I'm not sure you can just will them apart by just staring at them."

Killian chuckled before he assured her, "I was doing nothing of the sort, Swan." He then glanced back at Alena and surmised, "She's really in love, isn't she."

Emma only smiled at him. She then placed her hand over his and said, "I'm not gonna say 'I told you so' because I know how hard this has been for you," pausing to take a breath, "But I am really glad you're coming around."

"I dare say it may take a little while for me to come fully around, but I'm starting to see that they do belong together," Killian surmised as he took her hand in his. He then brought their joined hands to his mouth and placed a sweet kiss on the back of hers.

"Are you two done yet?" Regina then quipped as she glared at them from across the table.

She then crossed her arms, and Killian chided, "I'm rather disappointed Robin needed a refill and that he's no longer distracting you."

She only raised an eyebrow before Emma interjected, "Play nice, you two. I'm not in the mood to play referee."

"Play referee for what exactly?" Robin questioned when he returned to the table.

"These two's sass battle," Emma began as she gestured between her husband and friend, "I really don't think we need, I don't know, a loose fireball or something in here."

"I wouldn't use a fireball on him," Regina argued as she rested her hands flat on the table.

"But you would feed me to a mummified dragon," Killian quipped, cocking an eyebrow at the queen.

He received a glare - as well as an arm slap from his wife - before he apologized, "Sorry, love, I uh, got a bit too caught up I suppose," scratching behind his ear.

Regina simply offered him a nod in response. After receiving an imploring look from Robin, she then added, "And I'm sorry for complaining about you and Emma. I'm happy for you two - truly, I am. I haven't really said it before."

Killian and Emma smiled at her before the brunette continued, "And I'm happy that you're finally giving Alena and Gideon a chance. They both deserve it after everything they've been through."

"I couldn't agree more," Emma spoke as she smiled once more. She then took a sip of her drink.

"As do I," Robin said as he gestured toward her with his glass. Once he took a sip, he added, "And I do have to say, Hook, mate, that I'm rather glad those, uh, disparaging comments about your daughter's boyfriend will stop."

Killian scratched behind his ear and looked down at his plate. Regina scoffed as she quipped, "That makes two of us."

The pirate then looked back up and told her, "Just wait until it's Henry's turn. I dare say you'll be just as overprotective as I am - probably even more so."

He smirked as he nodded toward the teenage boy and surmised, "In fact, he could very well be telling his sister all about her at this very moment."

Despite knowing better, Regina's momma bear instincts took over, and she turned to look back at her son, who laughed along with Alena and Gideon.

Back at their table, Henry then noticed his mom's stare and complained, "Oh, geez, Mom's staring at me - and she has that Evil Queen look."

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