A Different Happy Ending: A New Beginning - Part Five

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The blonde set her stuffed animals on a nearby table before she and her mom settled beside one of the platforms.

As Killian and Gideon settled beside the other one, the pirate asked, "You think you'll be any good at this, lad?"

"Well, Alena may have beaten me earlier," Gideon began as he nodded toward his girlfriend, "But I am also a fast learner, and I rarely give up without a fight."

The corner of Killian's mouth quirked upwards, and he replied, "Glad to hear it. I should think we'll need all the skill we can muster."

With a nod, Gideon confirmed, "Alena is quite stubborn, and she's rather determined when she wants to be. It often works out in her favor, though she doesn't always readily take credit for it."

He then chuckled and added, "She's rather a paradox, isn't she," looking over at his girlfriend, who laughed at something her mother had said.

"Aye... that she is," Killian slowly agreed as his gaze shifted between Gideon and Alena - seeing the two of them in a different light.

When Gideon turned his attention back to Killian, he asked him, "Do you think we could actually get any good at this?"

"Hmm?" Killian then asked, jerking his head toward the young man. He then shook his head and replied, "Oh, uh, I'd wager that you're already better than I am, and I'm not quite sure that children's games will ever be my forte."

A moment later, he scratched behind his ear and apologized, "Sorry, lad, I know you're rather enjoying yourself."

Gideon only stared at him for a few moments. At Killian's raised eyebrow, he spoke, "Sorry. It's just...just that I'm not quite used to apologies from you. Or anything nice, really," glancing down on that last part.

With a deep breath, Killian then spoke, "Believe me, it's taking me some getting used to as well. And it's quite long overdue."

Gideon took a deep breath before he simply responded, "I love her, too."

Killian nodded as he offered him a small smile. He smiled back - the two of them then looked over as Emma called out, "You guys ready?"

"Aye, Swan," Killian answered. He then asked her, "Who will be going first?"

The four of them exchanged looks before Alena suggested, "How about me and Mom? You know, ladies first?"

She couldn't help but grin as she spoke, earning head shakes from her father and boyfriend.

Emma found herself chuckling at the exchange. She then said, "Unless you two have a better idea, I think we should settle with ladies first."

"I wouldn't dare argue with my wife. Or my daughter for that matter," Killian spoke, smirking at the two women.

They both rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Emma then let out a breath before she picked up a bean bag.

She knitted her eyebrows together as she tossed the bean bag - letting out a grunt when it landed a couple inches from the hole.

With crossed arms, she then faced Alena and surmised, "Maybe you'll have better luck, kid."

With a nod, Alena picked up one of the three remaining bean bags. She furrowed her eyebrows in concentration as she turned her attention to the platform.

She then threw the blue bean bag - her eyes glued to it as it sailed across the air, her hands clasped in anticipation.

"Thunk" the bean bag sounded as it landed against the board before it slid in the hole.

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