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Run! Run! Run!

I pushed my legs to go faster and push past the strain. I wasn't used to running for long periods of time, but I currently had no choice. It was life or death.

I needed to run as far away as I could, and time was of the essence. I couldn't slow my pace or even stop for a second to catch my breath as much as I wanted to.

My panting became more frequent, and my lungs were breathing fire. Still I forced myself to go further. I couldn't let them catch me.

It was a miracle I could even think with the thunderous sounds of my footsteps and my labored panting. I couldn't get caught.

Run! Run! Run!

I could hear the cackling of the witch behind me. She was getting closer. I propelled myself forward with a sudden burst of adrenaline. My life was in danger, and all because of a stupid rumor.

The witch was chasing me, intent on making an example out of me. She wanted to use me to prove a point to the future love interests of Prince Andres. I go to one ball at the castle and it ends disastrously. The prince just looked in my direction, I didn't know it would set her off.

Luckily a maid at the castle was able to tip me off to her revenge path. I was able to obtain a miniscule head start, not enough to give me much of an advantage.

Every second that passed was another second closer to the end of my life. I had no idea what she had planned for me, though I knew it was something to fear. The sound of echoing footsteps approaching caused a hammering in my chest.

Panic started to set in my mind, panic I couldn't shake off. I didn't want to die,as a 20 year old my life had only just begun. There was so much left I wanted to experience in life that I realize I may never have the chance to.

I cursed myself for wearing such impractical shoes. I didn;t know I would be running for my life, but at least it would've helped with the aches that came from dancing in heeled shoes.

This was supposed to be the night I met the love of my life like in those stories I've read. Prince Andres could've been the one, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Now I'm unsure if I'll see the next sunrise.

"Stupid girl!" She shot a bolt of red lightning at the tree ahead of me.

Fear gripped my chest. She was getting closer. If she was close enough to hit the tree ahead of me, it was only a matter of time before I was struck down.

I made the mistake of looking over my shoulder in a hurry. She was a few feet away and catching up fast. In my rush I narrowly missed a protruding tree root, side stepping to the right abruptly and running head first into a tree trunk.

My head collided with the bark with a loud thunk, sending me sprawled backwards. Stars and dots lined my vision. Every part of my body ached from the impact, there was no ounce of strength left in my body to even lift my head.

I groaned and tried to clear my vision. Through the blurry daze I see a hooded figure approaching. I knew my end was coming, still there was nothing I could do to prevent my imminent death. My eyes closed on their own accord.

As soon as my eyes opened I see the same witch from the party standing over me. She looked more threatening in her tattered black robe and mismatched stocking. The tall circular hat on her head only added to her menacing demeanor.

Her sinister smile does nothing to soothe the panic in my soul.

"This won't hurt a bit." She says, followed by an unknown incantation. Before I knew it, it was light's out.

Darkness consumed me.

This was the end. 


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