Twenty Six- Like the Rest

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Chapter 26- Like the Rest

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Chapter 26- Like the Rest

It was a few hours into the morning. I had been working nonstop without sleep, I couldn't remember the last time I ate. Those were the least of my worries if I didn't find a way out.

My plan was simple and lackluster, yet my only viable option. I tied the scraps of bedsheets together to form a long and sturdy strip of fabric. I planned on tying one end to myself and the other end to the bed, the only piece of furniture sturdy enough.

I was going to break open the window with my body and lower myself to the ground and make a run for it. It was a daring plan riddled with risk.

Once I had all the sheets tied, I moved quickly to barricade the door. It took a while to do this by myself and consisted of me moving one side a few inches at a time. It was the most time consuming, but important.

I had to ensure no one could enter once they heard glass shattering. By the time they knock down the door I would be long gone.

The sun had been up for a while. Everything was going according to plan so far. The sheet was fastened around my waist securly, the door was covered by the dresser and nightstands.

I could hear faint footsteps from the hallway. It was now or never.

I stood on the windowsill, hoping the bed was heavy enough to support my weight. Before doubt could seize my mind, I slammed myself against the window.

Nothing happened. The window did not even crack though my bones felt like they would.

I threw myself against the glass once more, harder this time. Still no damage.

I huffed in annoyance questioning what the window was made of that made it so indestructible. I fell through a window multiple times in my dreams, it seemed easy then.

I grew frustrated and applied more force, more pressure waiting to see the slightest change. I felt the ache in my bones, I knew I would be bruised all over. They would be another testament to how I've suffered from Andres.

At last the window began to crack. It was miniscule, but progress. I focused my effort on hitting that same spot repeatedly. The crack began to spread as I hoped.

A knock at the door had my halt completely. I froze momentarily and rushed to continue. My slams were more frantic as the knocking increased. I could hear guards talking behind the door.

Just a little longer I told myself. One more heavy push.

I slammed against the window with every ounce of energy in my body. The glass shattered outward and I held onto the window frame to stable myself. Glass grazed my arms, cutting through skin and cloth alike.

I could hear the panic and franzy on the other side of the door more clearly. They must have heard the window breaking. I had to act fast.

I started to lower myself, scaling the side of the tower. Things were going fine until I made the mistake of looking down.

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