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I wake up gradually, taking my time to absorb the last few moments of sleep. I slept in that morning, a small treat for myself. I sat up in bed and sluggishly stretched my sore limbs.

Time to start a new day.

I began the day as I had for the last several months. Mornings were always the same: wake up, eat breakfast and start work in the fields.

I grabbed my basket and made my way outside, spreading handfuls of grain along the way. I smiled at the sight of chickens hobbling over.

Next, I made my way to my vegetable patch spending the next few hours weeding in the hot sun. I did not mind it though, the tetious labor soothed my bustling mind.

My day might not sound like much, it certainly lacked the excitement of my previous adventure. However boring it might seem to others, I loved my quaint farm life. I enjoyed the peacefulness and serenity of being by myself and the simplicity of living on my own.

There were no spells, no curses, and no magic of any kind and it was bliss not having to worry.

I was not a complete recluse. My parents lived less than a day's ride away.

After that fateful night, my father and I rushed home. I pressured them into leaving the city and ensured they packed their belongings within the hour. I had them sent off to the countryside soon enough with new identities.

I visit as often as I could. Some days I can't bring myself to leave the confines of the farm.

I also had my hands busy with my non-farm work. I liked to think of it as my life's work.

I run a camp for women escaping toxic relationships. I travel to find and save these women from their abusers and bring them to my camp. There I train them in the art of basic combat and sword skills to protect themselves.

I want to empower these women and show them they do not have to live in fear. I am helping them on their journey to restarting their lives. It reminded me of the journey I was forced to take in order to reclaim my own life.

I did not want to see another woman suffer at the hands of a man. Too many women have suffered on account of a man.

I thought back to one man who would not be able to hurt anyone from his current position. Andres was gone and now I never have to think that someday my prince will come.

I knew where he'd gone. I put him there and the thought still haunts me though I have solstice in knowing he can't cause harm from the grave.

His father was livid when the news broke of his son's death. I understand his pain and suffering, it must have been hard to lose a son so suddenly. I wondered if he knew what type of person his son was.

The identity of the murderer was still a mystery except those privy to the forthcoming of that night.

Regardless, I did not stay around the castle much longer after the deed was done. I fled the city with my parents and I figured the others did the same. My former home was no longer welcoming.

I've made my little farm my home, and I often shared it with other women who stayed for a whale until they landed on their feet.

Besides the art of war, I've taught them how to sustain themselves and they aided in managing the farm. Today was one of those days, Imogen was helping me in herding the sheep. She worked particularly well with the animals.

The sheep and horses always let her pet them. Animals have a good sense of character.

"I think today might be my last day." She told me petting behind the ears of a sheep. The animals closed its eyes in contentment and pushed its head closer to her hand.

The women decided for themselves when they felt ready to leave. I've had some stay for less than a day and others as long as a few months. I was merely there to guide and mentor them.

"If you think you are ready." I replied calmly. "I'm sure the animals will miss their favorite farmer."

She smiled faintly. "I'll miss how peaceful it is around here." I worked hard to make the farm a tranquil oasis.

I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You're welcome back at any time."

She placed her hand on top of mine and squeezed. "Thank you Jana, for everything"

"It was my pleasure." I clapped my hands. "Let's get you packed up and ready to begin life." Imogen laughed and followed me back to the house.

A few minutes later and she was ready to leave. Seeing them walk out of the door with confidence and seeing how much they've progressed always made me proud, and tear up a little although I tried to hide it.

I hugged Imogen goodbye and wished her look on her future endeavors. I watched her walk away with the usual heartache of seeing another protegee leave.

I closed the door with a heavy heart. As much as I was proud of the, , t was sad to see them go. They made good company and with the house full it gave me a sense of purpose. Whenever someone would leave the house, I would feel empty again.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my self-loathing. I hurried thinking it was Imogen forgetting something.

I swung open the door and wished I had kept it closed. The person on the other side was the last person I wanted to see.



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