1. End Up Here

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Dizzy's POV
20 minutes. 20 minutes, I've been waiting here for Principal Harris to finish talking to my dad. My dad is a stay-at-home father for my brother, Seth and I. Our mom decided to become more of a manager of a big firm than a mom who comes home for dinner everyday. My dad is super annoying and overly protective but at least he doesn't care what I eat at home. He's actually pretty good and I couldn't ask for anybody better. He just doesn't like that I'm acting like him and not like Seth. I'm smart but don't care about school enough to do the work, I like to goof off, and my style is pretty badass. He wants me to blend in. I look at my watch and I'm already late for my prank with Frank and Cameron. It was going to be the greatest prank we have ever achieved in our 19 years of living. I was getting antsy and asking myself, 'It's college, why would an old man like Harris worry about what I do?' I couldn't think of an answer but luckily, Dad came out so I can get the hell out of there. I raced to the door when my Dad stopped me, "Hold it." My foot was so close to the other side of that doorway, I could feel the sun on me. But I ease back into my chair with Dad sitting next to me. I looked at him and smiled, "Wassup?", "You know 'wassup'. This is the third time you've made a ruckus here.", "I think that this place needs to loosen up.", "Look, you got in here on a technicality. Meaning you have very little room to make any errors.", "It was fun.", "It was stupid.", "Everybody loved me.", "So apparently, everybody likes an announcement about condoms and then a fire alarm because Mr. Oscar is 'too hot to handle'?", "You gotta admit, Mr. Oscar knows how to work it.", "That's not the point.", "Look, I get it Dad. I messed up but you know when it comes down to it, I work my ass off. Don't worry about me alright?", "I have always worried about you.", "Well don't. I'm an adult now. Any consequences come down on me, not you anymore." I grabbed my bag and skateboard and walked out of there without saying bye. I didn't care, I made a promise to my friends and I'm breaking it. The perfect prank can no longer wait.

Toni's POV
It was my last class of the day before winter vacation. I had originally planned to spend it here in San Diego but it was getting really cold and I missed home. I miss my brothers and sister and mum. I miss everyone. I was planning on telling Dizzy I wasn't staying this break but she didn't show up in class. It's not like a complete shock. She doesn't come to class often. Dizzy likes to pull pranks with her friends Frank and Cameron. I would just text her later. I finished my final and put it on the teacher's desk and she marked my name off the attendance sheet, meaning I could leave. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door without even thinking of looking back. I immediately pulled out my phone, put my earbuds in and blasted some music. I was listening to American Idiot by Greenday. While walking toward the pizza place where Dizzy and I decided to go, I suddenly flipped upside down and all my change fell out of pockets and my head started to feel dizzy. Dizzy. "Oh crap!" I heard her say. ""Goddamn it, that wasn't supposed to happen. Frank, Cameron!" Dizzy yelled but I knew they took my change and bolted. She sighed in frustration and asked, "You okay?!", "No! Get me down!", "I can try but I have to get a mattress or the fire department because you might actually die from that height!", "I'm over the sand!", "You might break your neck!", "Hurry up!" She nodded her head and climbed up the tree to cut me out. Luckily, this wasn't a busy street. She cut through the rope and I flipped down to my feet. Thank goodness for gymnastics. "Okay, first of all, I am undoubtedly in your debt because I am truly sorry. Second, sickest land ever.", "I'm guessing I wasn't the target?", "Of course you weren't! I would never prank you like that. I was hoping to get Jill.", "Ugh, Jill.", "I know. What you listening to anyway?" She grabbed her skateboard and bag and we started walking to the pizza place. "Greenday.", "Turn it up, I love them." I turned it up all the way and she rode on her skateboard, singing the chorus rather loudly. I started to laugh at her and she took my phone. "What is the next song for us?", "Give it back Dizzy.", "Hold up, Toni... this is literally... my favorite band of all time.", "Maroon 5?", "Better." She gave me my phone back when I saw what was playing. It was called 'End Up Here' by a band called 5 Seconds of Summer. I was about to skip it when I saw a familiar face. I've seen that side profile before. It was Ashton! As in my brother Ashton Irwin. He is in a band and he's famous and he didn't tell ME! I mean yeah, we don't talk much with me in America and him in Australia. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I called him. I was thinking of calling him right then but Dizzy was too busy singing the song. I bit my lip ring in nervousness. How did this all happen?

Dizzy's POV
"Hey Dizzy.", "Yes, Toni?", "I just wanted to say that... I'm leaving.", "What?!", "I'm going back to Australia for a while.", "Oh, thank god. I thought you meant 'leaving' leaving. But cool! When do we leave?", "You want to come?" I looked at her and smiled. "Of course I want to come, it's Australia! Plus, I get to meet your mysterious family that I've barely heard a word about." Toni hugs me and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. It's great that I'm coming, how much does it cost?", "Not much, I have a discount.", "Suh-weet! This day just keeps getting better and better." We both finally made it to our favorite pizza place, Loli's Pizzeria. It has literally the best BBQ chicken pizza I've ever had. Plus, it has Olive Branch style breadsticks. "Before we go to Australia, I should at least know who you're family is." I told her. "What do you mean?", "Names, birthdays, favorite colors. I want to make a good impression on them.", "Trust me, they'll like you.", "Just spill." We ordered our food, grabbed our sodas and sat in our usual booths. No one was here so I pulled up my feet and played Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy. "Fine, I have two brothers and one sister. I also have a single mum.", "Names.", "Lauren is my younger sister, Harry is my younger brother, Anne Marie is my mum, and..." She stopped talking and started drinking her soda. A lot of it. "Dude, are you alright?" She stopped drinking and said, "Totally fine.", "Then, who else? That was only one brother, who's the other one?", "I have to ask you a question.", "Will you tell me your other brother's name then?", "Yeah, yeah. Just answer my question.", "What's your question?"

"Who's 5 Seconds of Summer?" I literally gasped and put my feet down. "You don't know who they are?!", "That's why I asked.", "How could you not know?! Your Pandora plays their music all the time!", "I always skip those.", "Ugh!! You are so difficult sometimes.", "I'm sorry, damn." she said sarcastically. "Whatever, I'll enlighten you. 5 Seconds of Summer is an Australian pop punk band from Sydney. There are 4 members. Luke Hemmings is the lead vocalist, Michael Clifford is the guitarist, Calum Hood is the bassist, and last but certainly not least... Ashton Fletcher Irwin, the drummer.", "Crap, I knew it." She whispered. "Knew what? What's wrong?" Right then and there, she didn't have to tell me. I can't believe I haven't put two and two together. I've known them for months and I've known her for years. They even look similar! Our waiter gave us our pizza and soon as he left, I screamed. Loudly. "Goodness, could you not yell?", "Why haven't you told me that your brother was in my favorite band of all time?!", "I didn't find out until today!", "How could you not know? It's your brother!", "We haven't talked since I moved here!", "This is both awesomely awesome and terrible.", "Why?" I grabbed a slice and stuffed in my face. God, it was so good. "Why is it terrible?" I just kept chewing and chewing my pizza until she put two and two together. "You like him?!" I smiled shyly and swallowed. I wiped my face and said, "Not like... I sort of... kind of... love him.", "You're in love with my brother?" I nodded. Her face then crept to a smile and squealed, "I knew you would like him!", "Wait, what?", "I knew that once you met Ash, you'd like him! That's actually one of the reasons why I'm glad you're coming. To see my family and to make a love connection.", "So... you're okay with is?", "Oh, totally. Are you okay with this?", "Are you kidding? Now, my wedding will be even more epic because you will become my official sister-in-law.", "You bet your sweet ass I will." We both started laughing and ate our pizza.

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