11. Fly Away

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Dizzy's POV
Hollywood was even better than the movies showed it. The palm trees, the blinding sun, and seeing everyone who's anyone walking around here. I'm going to be like them one day. I can feel it. Kelly had a car at the airport waiting for me to take me to my home. Home seems a little misused. Home is where the heart is. That's what everyone says. But right now my heart is split in two. Half is here in California, the place I know and love.  Yet the other half is with Ashton and Toni and Luke and Mikey and Cal. Somewhere in that vast place we call Earth. They're in London right now, Toni has been sending me pictures and Mikey has been sending me videos nonstop. I've been looking at my phone so much that I was totally missing the sights or whatever Kelly was telling me. I couldn't help it, everyone else seems like they're having a much better time than I am. Kelly had to take my phone away because  I wasn't listening to a word she was saying. She scoffed at me and said, "I know I'm  addicted to my phone but you definitely take the cake." She had no idea.

As soon as I stepped out of the car, my eyes were literally bugging out of my skull. "Holy shit." I whispered. "Yeah, I know. It's nice, huh? Come on." Kelly said. I followed her with my eyes big and mouth open. The front yard was filled with flowers, palm trees and lush grass. The doorway was like a doorway to Asgard. White, regal and huge. We stepped inside and it was exactly like Cher's in Clueless. "No... way...", "You're going to love it here. This house will be yours for the next 9 or so months. You will be living and we will be filming here for the movie.", "This is amazing! I cannot believe I'm actually living here!", "Yes, yes, it's all very exciting. Now, you have a full day tomorrow. You got interviews, rehearsals, and I'm hoping to start the photo shoot. We may travel for those. But for now, rest, eat, whatever you need to do to get ready." She said all of this really fast but all I could make out was work, work, work.  I nodded my head and said, "Thank you. Thank you so much.", "Alright, goodnight!", " 'Night!" I yelled. Kelly walked out with a phone next to ear.

As soon as she closed the door, I spun around and screamed. This is awesome!  I just wish Toni and the guys were here... Damn, they would have loved this place. I walked around playing some Fall Out Boy and 5sos. I decided to call Toni and tell her about the new place and see how London is. When I FaceTimed her, her hair was all over the place and she looked like she just woke up. I saw Luke's arm wrapped around her. "Sleeping at 4:00 pm?", "Try 1:00 am.  It's okay though, I've only been sleeping for 20 minutes.", "Can I say hi to Luke?", "Luke, say hi to Dizzy!", "Hi." I heard him mumble. "Hey bud. I have something to tell you.", "Hurry up, I wanna sleep." "Ok. Look at my new house. I will be living here for about 9 months. This is where we will be filming most of the movie." "Show me!" Toni yells. I guess she had a sudden burst of energy. "Shhhhh." Luke says. He covers Toni's mouth and she licks his hand. "Babe..." Luke whines. I show her around and she whisper yells. "It's fucking gorgeous. Can I live there with you?" Toni asks, jokingly. "Ok we're going to bed now before you take away my princess." Luke says. "Love you Dizzy." Toni says before Luke hangs up the phone. I didn't get to say goodbye yet. I was standing in my new room and decided to grab something for dinner. Maybe even watch some New Girl.


I had to wake up at 6:00 am for the photo shoots. I haven't done that in months. But now, I have done it for the past three months. I can remember now why I was always late to class. The photo shoot took forever and I was table reading with the cast until midnight. Haley (Nadine's best friend) and Alexander (Nadine's crush) invited me to eat with them. I said yes and we tried some Filipino food. It was delicious and they asked me about what I did before I was casted. Haley said she was so jealous of me that I was dating a musician. Alexander wanted to know how I thought up all my pranks. They were so interested in my life but I was interested in the theirs. Its weird how people can think of other's lives as being more exciting than the theirs. I think I'll be able to fit in here. I got home at around 2:00 am which was a bad idea, I had to wake up in four hours. Before I could go to bed, I had to call Ashton. I flopped on my bed and called him while checking Toni's pictures she sent me. "Who is it?" He said in a pissy voice. "Hi to you too.", "Dizzy! Hey, sorry. I'm grumpy when I'm sleepy. You know that.", "I do, I'm sorry I'm calling you so late.", "No, it's fine. How's it going?", "It's great! I just got a photo shoot done, I met and read with the cast and hung out with a couple of them. They're really cool people.", "I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to see you.", "I can't wait to see you too. How about you? How are you and the guys?", "We're all good. Toni and I have been missing you like crazy. We actually got a show in the next couple of days at 5:00, I think. ", "Damn, I wish I could come.", "Me too but you gotta do this. You're going to be the best actress ever.", "Aww, babe. I should probably let you sleep. I'll call you tomorrow.", "Okay, tomorrow. I love you.", "Love you too." I hung up and put on my pajamas. As I rested my head on the pillow, I realized that I have to do this for 6 more months. 6 months.  All by myself, no friends, boyfriend and family is all busy. Shit.  Me and Ash's anniversary is coming up. I'll get to see him soon...

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