6. Amnesia

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Toni's POV
    We were at the airport. I looked like a mess, probably because I didn't get any sleep last night. I was too upset. It felt unfair that I had to leave so soon. It was too short. I said bye to Mum and Harry and Lauren yesterday because the kids had school and it was early for Mum-she also had work. Ash and Dizzy haven't stopped holding each other all morning. We had 10 minutes before Dizzy and I had to board our flight. I hugged Calum and Mikey. Mikey smiled sadly at me and kissed my forehead. Calum messed up my hair even more than it was already messed up. I hugged them again before switching places with Dizzy. I hugged Ash so tight, I think he stopped breathing. "I'm going to miss you so much." I cry. "I just got you back. I don't want to lose you again." Ash mumbles. He's crying now too. "I'll call this time. I'm not running anymore." We smiled at each other before I hugged him again. "I love you Ash.", "I love you too Toni." Dizzy coughs at me, getting my attention. She nods her head to Luke. He stares softly at me. I wipe my tears away before walking slowly to Luke. "Hey." I say quietly. He's looking down at me. I throw myself into his arms and he laughs softly. "I'm going to miss you too shorty." I laugh and he kisses my forehead. I stay in his arms for a while before Dizzy tells me our flight was called, we have to go. I pull away from Luke and grab my bags. I start to walk slowly towards the gate when Luke pulls me back into his arms, kissing me. I drop my bags and kiss him back. I heard Dizzy chuckling and Mikey and Calum whooping and hollering. I knew why Ashton was silent but I didn't care. This felt right. Being here with Luke. I pull away from the kiss, tears streaming down my face now. "Have a safe flight." Luke tells me. I smile once more and Dizzy and I walk to the gate. I refused to look back because if I looked back I wouldn't be boarding this plane. Dizzy's arm was around my shoulder. I saw tears streaming down her face as well and said, "Damn, I'm going to miss those guys.", "Me too. Those losers were actually pretty cool.", "Yeah, who knew?" I chuckled a little and started to cry a little more. Dizzy also cried and hugged me. "Why do we have to live in California?", "We go to school there.", "That's the dumbest reason I've ever heard.", "For once, I actually agree with you about school." She chuckled and we headed to our seats. Both of us looking outside the window and wishing that we could stay here a little while longer. 


    We've been in school for about two months and everything feels so different now. I called the boys everyday. Luke and I talk all the time but we aren't dating, in fact we haven't even talked about the kiss. Even though that's all I can think about. The boys go on tour soon. It's a world tour. They come to California a couple times and I will definitely go to all those shows with Dizzy. Speaking of Dizzy, she's doing pretty well being separated from Ash. They talk all the time. Instead of pranking, she's either hanging out with me or texting, calling, even FaceTiming Ashton. She even talks to the guys. Her dad is pleased that she hasn't been 'ruining her life' as he likes to call it. She still skips pretty much all her classes but she's stopped most of her pranks. Not all, but most. I, on the other hand, still go to class but I just can't seem to pay attention. Like at all. My teachers are worried about me and so is Dizzy. But Dizzy knew I was taking this hard. The only music I listen to now is 5 Seconds of Summer-the band that changed my life.

I was in class one day when my phone went off. Not realising it was my phone, I kept ignoring it. The kid next to me elbowed me and told me it was my phone. My teacher told me it was okay to leave class to answer. I thanked him and ran out of class. I looked down at my phone. It was Luke. I smiled. I answered the FaceTime and saw that the whole band was there. "Toni!" They all yell. I smile and slide down the wall, sitting on the ground. "I miss you guys so much." I tell them. "Aww, we miss you too sis." Ash smiles. My smile never fades when I talk to them. "Guess what!" Mikey screams. I laugh. "What?", "We're going on a world tour and we leave in 2 days!" Calum yells. I smile at them. "Congrats. Dizzy and I will definitely come to all of your California shows." Everyone's eyes go wide and they start dancing. I hear Luke mumble the famous words, "I hate this band." I laugh and he smiles, knowing I heard what he said. Soon only Luke is left on the screen and we were just talking when Calum walks up behind him making a bunch of silly faces and I started laughing. I notice the time. "Shit. Class is almost over. I have to go." Everyone says goodbye and my smile starts to fade until Luke says, "Shit, I forgot to tell you that we made a music video for Amnesia. You should check it out." He says goodbye again and I smile before hanging up.

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