9. Tomorrow Never Dies

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Dizzy's POV
Luke and Ash decided to go surfing today. They had lessons because they don't actually know how to surf. They asked if we wanted to come but we declined. I've had enough salt water and sand to last me a lifetime. Besides, I don't know how to surf anyways. I figured they could have a boys day out, you know. Let Ash and Luke have some time to just be themselves instead of the overprotective brother and the touchy boyfriend. Cal and Mikey didn't go either though, I wasn't quite sure why. Probably because they had enough sand and water too. So, it was just Toni, Calum, Mikey and me; chilling in the living room, wondering what we're going to do next. As 12:00 came rolling in, I had the idea of my life. I looked at Calum and said, "I have a proposition for you.", "It'd better be good.", "We're going to ditch this place and go to a park. However...", "Oh shit...", "I want your pranking gear." He looked at me with a little confusion. Then, he started to nod his head and he said, "That actually sounds awesome.", "Right? You up for it?" He smiled and shook my hand. "Let's go prank some people." I smiled and ran to change. Mikey and Toni were on the couch talking excitedly about something so Cal and I  decided to just let them be and go off to our own pranking war. Us versus the Public.

So far, we've had 10 lovely volunteers for our pranks today. Two for the sand on the food, one for the water spray prank, four for the fake shark attack, and three to ruin their clothes. Calum and I definitely made some heads turn and some bellies ache of laughter. It was a carefree day, I wish we had this idea before. After our triumphant afternoon, we grabbed some food and talked about what else should we do next and what supplies to get. We were like pranking geniuses. We made such a debacle at the park, the park security had to come looking for is during the late evening. We giggled as we ran the hell out of there. We stopped near a bridge. As soon as I got my breath, I said, "Calum Hood, that was literally the best pranking day of my life.", "Agreed. It's been so long since I've had an actual partner in the pranking business.", "Definitely, next stop, we go to the movie theatre.", "Yes! That's what I'm talking about!" I hit Cal's arm and I laugh. He laughs too as he rubs his arm.

Toni's POV
Dizzy and Cal left. They ran down the stairs with all of their pranking gear and told us not to wait up. I would've asked where they were going but the less I know, the better. Plus Mikey and I had our own plans. I had told him about how I always wanted to dye my hair but never found the time. Mikey told me he knew a place that dyed hair really well. "I can take you there! Ooh! We could get matching colours!" I giggle at his enthusiasm. "Sure Mikey. What colour do you want?" "Well I want it to be something I haven't already had. What if we dyed it like a galaxy colour?" I smile. "That sounds perfect." Mikey smiles and grabs the keys to the car dragging me along. We drove to this salon called Colour Only. Even though it took a while to get there, it was worth the drive. As soon as we stepped in, everybody's faces lit up. It was definitely a colourful place. "Hello Michael, is it that time?" a woman said. She walked up to us with 80s styled clothes and had her hair short and up. She had a curling iron in one hand and a comb in the other. "Bri, it is time but I brought a friend with me this time.", "Oh, what you want darlin'?", "I'd like a galaxy colour. Like purple, teal and dark pink. You know, that sorta stuff." I said. She nodded thoughtfully and looked at Mikey. "I'd like that as well Bri.", "Follow me." We followed her towards the back of the salon where there was a shelf of all the colors of the world. Literally, it was a huge shelf. Bri grabbed four bottles and guided us to two chairs. Mikey and I sat down and he held my hand. "You ready Toni?", "Hell yeah!" I yelled. Bri laughed and said, "I like your spunk."

She gave me a mirror to look at my hair. "Here darlin', what you think?" I looked at my new hair and smiled. Mikey grabbed the mirror and he smiled too. "Bri, you have done it again!", "I love it! Thank you so much!" I tell her. She smiles and pats my back. "Anytime darlin', anytime.", "Come on twin, we gotta show everyone our new hair." We both ran outta there and got in the car. We grabbed some food first then we drove home.

Dizzy's POV
Cal and I were covered in popcorn kernels and sticky candy when we got home. Ashton and Luke were in the living room, writing new songs on the couch. I walk up to them and leaned on the couch. "What song you guys writing?" I asked. "A song about money." Luke said. "That sounds fun.", "Let's see if it's actually good." Calum interjected from the kitchen. "Why do you smell like popcorn?" Ash asked me. I smiled and said, "Pranking makes me hungry." I kissed him. Ash smiled a little. "What?", "You taste like Skittles." I giggled and kissed him again. I sat down next to him and listened to what Luke and Ash worked on. It was actually really good, Calum approved. When I went to the kitchen to grab some Pepsi, I saw Mikey and Toni walking in. My mouth dropped and I yelled, "Damn!  Is that my Toni and Mikey?!", "You like it?" Toni asked. "You kidding?! I fucking love it!", "Why are we cussing?!" I turned to see Ash and Luke standing up. Cal nodded and said, "You guys look pretty cool.", "Thanks Cal." Mikey said. They high-fived each other and Mikey walked to the kitchen. Ash and Luke didn't move or say anything. I grab Toni and we walked to them. I cleared my throat and said, "Aren't you guys going to say something?" They didn't say much. I hit Luke's shoulder and he said, "Toni, you look amazing. I agree with Dizzy, I... I love your hair.", "Really?" He finally moved toward her and kissed her. I moved towards Ash and said, "Isn't this the cutest thing?" Ashton still didn't say anything. They both giggled and Toni looked at Ashton and asked, "What about you, bro? You like it?" Ash still didn't say anything and I hit him in the rib. "Ow!" Ashton exclaimed. "Say something or you're sleeping alone tonight." I threatened. He cleared his throat and said, "Toni, umm, your hair..." We waited again for 2 seconds then he exploded. "WHY WOULD YOU DYE YOUR FUCKING HAIR?!" We all flinched a little. "I'm sorry I yelled. I'm really sorry but why did you do it? You had such beautiful blonde hair. I would know, we had the same hair.", "I wanted to try something new. Everybody here likes it, why don't you like it?", "It's just... a lot different from before.", "Well I like it here. I think it's awesome. Now, I'm going to grab a soda. You guys want anything?" She finishes. We all shook our heads and she went into the kitchen. I look at Ashton and said, "You're going to fix this.", "How do I do that?", "By embracing her new hair. Look at her and say that she is beautiful and badass for dying her hair that color. Be a good big brother.", "But I like...", "If you don't fix this, you sleep alone for a week.", "You don't mean that.", "Be a good big brother or be a lonely boyfriend." I threatened again. He sighed and I crossed my arms. I looked at him and tapped my foot. "Fine!", "I'll be watching." I said as I saw him walk toward the guys.

Toni's POV
I was in the kitchen grabbing a Sprite. Everyone out there probably thinks I'm upset with Ash's outburst but I'm not really bothered. Ash and I used to get into tiny, meaningless fights all the time. Plus Ash would get over it. My hair will change back eventually. The guys were touching and fawning over me and Mikey's new hair. We both smiled and blushed a little. I saw Ash walking up to us. He sat down next to me and started talking. He went off to say that we was really sorry about how he acted and that he does like my hair. I told him it was fine if he didn't like it but he does have to keep his opinions to himself. He laughed a little and hugged me. He asked me if I could tell Dizzy that he apologized and that he liked my hair. He didn't want to be alone tonight. I look at Dizzy and she sat down and turned on the TV. I shook my head and walk toward the couch. I leaned over and said, "He likes it.", "I knew he would." She said proudly. "He doesn't, I just know you threatened him", "Of course I did! He should support his sister no matter what. Did he apologize?", "Repeatedly. I think he'll get over it.", "I know he will. Now come on, let's watch some Friends.", "What?! I love Friends!" We heard Luke yell. His long legs hopped over us and landed him next to me. We both laughed and we put on the episode where Joey was trying to learn French. Cal and Mikey followed with Cal still messing with his hair. Ash sat down next to Dizzy and she kissed his cheek. Ash then rested his head on her shoulder. She giggled and we all watched Friends like the friends we are.

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