4. Kiss Me Kiss Me

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Dizzy's POV
    Ashton and I got on the ferris wheel last. I was sorta scared about this ride because I do not  like heights. At all. I had way too many nightmares and way too many pranks with Frank and Cameron to be a daredevil. I reluctantly got in the cart while Ashton was getting on. He stopped before he got in and turned toward me. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine. If I don't fall from up there anyway.", "Hey, it's alright if you're afraid of heights. Remember when we went on the first ride and you were scared to death? I was there the entire time, making sure you wouldn't fall.", "You did a pretty good job." He held out his hand and said, "I promise you won't ever fall when you're with me." He smiled so sweetly at me that I took his hand and got in the cart. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. The same way we've always done. The wheel started to move and I chuckled a little. He chuckled with me and said, "You're going to love the view.", "I hope so. Or this would be a total waste.", "I wouldn't say that.", "Why not?", "Well... the view is nice and all but it wouldn't be half as nice if..." I looked at him and he looked down at his shoes. He was blushing red, tomato red. I smiled a little and said, "If what?", "If... you weren't here." He looked at me with somewhat a sparkle in his eye. It was like I was seeing a star in the vast sea of his beautiful eyes. We kept looking at each other until I looked out there. The sun was setting and the color of the sky seem to change into his eye color. "Wow." I said. My breath was taken away by the view. "Yeah, wow." he responded. Yet, I know he was looking at me. I could still feel his eyes on me. I was starting to get a little nervous. I know that if we start going out, it wouldn't work. Long-distance relationships never  work. Especially when one is a mega-star, super hot Aussie who can play the drums like a beautiful rock god. It wouldn't work. Besides, I see how girls are. Especially girls my age. The view was starting to disappear, I didn't want it too. The view was too beautiful to let it slip through my fingers.

    I'm not letting that happen with him. I like him, I really  like him and he likes me. At least, I hope he does. I looked back at him and he was still looking at me. I bit my lip a little and asked him, "Ashton... you wanna grab dinner later?", "Umm, sure, yeah. We can grab dinner later with the guys.", "No, I mean... just me. No one else.", "Just... you and me?", "Yep, after this. We can grab a cab or something and go to a restaurant. Doesn't matter which, I have no preference.", "Dizzy, that sounds...", "Impulsive?", "Amazing. I was going to say amazing.", "Really?", "Yeah, I was just hoping that I  would ask first." I giggled a little and said, "You were always a little slow." He giggled and playfully pushed me. "Shut up." I smiled and punched his shoulder. I looked at his face again and out of impulse, I kissed his cheek. I sat back down and looked down. I didn't know what he looked like but I could feel him pulling me closer to him and I nestled back into him. The ride ended 5 minutes after we talked about our favorite foods. He wanted to get an idea of where we should go for dinner tonight. We all got off the ferris wheel and walked out of the park. "So, did you guys have fun?" Anne Marie asked. We all agreed and the rest enthusiastically went to the van. Luke and Toni were walking together and Ashton looked at him with anger in his eyes. "Aw, calm down. They're just having fun.", "Maybe too much fun...", "Let them be. They're not doing anything too crazy.", "Hey guys! You coming?" Toni yelled after us. Mikey, Calum, and Luke looked at us. Ash answered, "I'm going to show her around a little more." Toni smiled and Luke said, "Have fun, alright?", "We promise." I said. Mikey yelled out, "Make sure you get some tonight!", "Up yours Mikey!" Ash yelled. I laughed out loud and Calum yelled back, "Don't be shy Ash! You know you always liked dessert before dinner!", "Get the hell out of here, Cal!" I retorted. Ash grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, I know the perfect place."

    "That... was...", "Amazing?", "Stupendous. I was going to say stupendous.", "I am so glad you liked it. I was a little worried that you wouldn't like the appetizer.", "You kidding? It was the best part. Now, where should we go?", "You still wanna go out?", "Hey, the night is still young.", "But my mum isn't. She's going to kill us if we don't head home now.", "Oh shit, you're right.", "Alright, let's go get some cupcakes and go back home, alright?", "God, that sounds good." We walked to a little bakery down the way and we got our cupcakes. He hailed a cab and we got inside. We were about 30 minutes away from home. We were noisily eating our cupcakes and talking about how we were going to prank Calum. We settled on the perfect idea. It wasn't my most crowning idea but it will definitely be one of my top five most fun ideas. When we got out of the cab, we walked into the house and everything in the house was dark. It looked like everyone went to bed or something. "We should probably get some sleep, huh?" I asked. "Yeah but I need to finish Shameless  first.", "Alright, I'll watch it with you." We went to the couch and cuddled together, watching the show at low volume. I swear, I had to keep from laughing too loudly because Ashton kept talking and messing with my hair. Before we drifted off into sleep, I asked, "Do you think we can do this again?" He looked at me and smiled, "Of course. We have three weeks left to do this.", "Only three weeks? God, time moves fast here.", "It's Aussie time. Everything moves fast when you're here.", "Well, we better make it last then, huh?" I said. He nodded but kept looking at me. I laid my head down and started to sleep. He kissed my forehead and went back to sleep. I slightly opened my eyes and saw him sleeping. He looked so peaceful and beautiful sleeping there. I kissed his forehead and went back to sleep, nestling in his warm embrace.

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