5. Gotta Get Out

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Dizzy's POV
    "Ash, let her go. We need to leave." Toni whines. Ash rolls his eyes and kisses me one last time before I walk out the door with Toni. She took the keys to her mom's car and we drove to Melbourne. It was so beautiful there. The bright sun, sparkling sea, the humongous buildings and the scattering people. "This is like the third time I've been here.", "Well you picked a good spot, it's great over here.", "Yeah it is. The Queen Victoria Market is great too.", "Market?", "Queen Victoria Market. We have just enough money to get food and probably 2 sets of clothes. Or a pair of shoes.", "Am I going to have to pay back your mom?", "No, you're going to pay me  back.", "Damn it, okay.", "You know, ice cream or any dessert really is fine.", "Yeah, but that means I have to pay.", "That's how you get things in this world.", "How much?", "Don't worry about that.", "It's over 80 bucks, huh?", "Yep." I groaned and turned on the radio station. We stopped on some classic rock station. It was pretty good, I knew all the songs. I both blame and thank my grandfather. We got to the mall and hit all the stores in that place. It had a lot cooler places than in San Diego. Even the food was better there. I really do feel like I would get fat in this continent. We walked some more to get rid of the double fried, chocolate covered doughnuts. We saw some incredible sights. The National Gallery of Victoria, Healesville Sanctuary, and the St. Kilda Beach. It was all so gorgeous and amazing. I can't believe that this place always seems to surprise me. I am not easily surprised but I am with Australia. It was basically the perfect girl day out. We sang obnoxious songs, ate like fatties, and saw cute animals. Toni posted a picture of us on Instagram and Twitter. Just a day out with @Skating_Dizzy, freaking love this girl. 

We drove back when the beach was getting way overcrowded. We made it home back just in time to see the boys practicing again. They were playing Gotta Get Out, one of their older songs from their first EP. Why are all their songs so amazing? We got out of the car and sat down in the garage. I got out my phone and waved my flashlight around. They all smiled and finished their song. We cheered and clapped loudly. "Thank you, thank you, we'll be here all week." Michael joked. "Encore! Encore!" Toni cheered. "Not now, little lady. We're all pretty tired." Luke said. "We've been practicing since you guys left." Calum said. "Wow, that was at least 8 hours straight.", "Yeah, well, there were no pretty ladies here to distract us." Ash says coming to  us and kissing me. I blushed. "When are you guys leaving anyway?" Mikey asked. Ash sat down next to me and put his arm around me. "I totally forgot, Toni?", "We're leaving in about a week and a half.", "Damn, you're leaving pretty soon, huh?" Calum said. "I guess so." I said. I sighed a little and Ash rubbed my arm and kissed my head. "Before I leave, I have one request.", "Sleep with Ash?" Mikey asked. "No! To challenge you to play with me in Super Smash Bros. 4." Everyone  'oohed' and 'ahhed'. "You really want to challenge me? The record holder of 'Kicking Everyone's Ass'?", "What's wrong? You worried someone would take that title?", "Not at all.", "You should. Because I will kick everyone's asses, including yours.", "Bring it on, whatever your last name is.", "Let's go, Clifford.." We all headed to the living room and hooked up the game.

    At exactly 7:30 pm, the tournament of 'Kicking Everyone's Ass' was over when I, Dizzy June Young, kicked everyone's ass. Especially Michael. "Hahaha! Yes, I won! How you like that Clifford?', "You cheated! You must have!", "She beat you fair and square Mikey." Calum said in frustration. He was tired of the game already and he wanted to watch TV. "I demand a rematch!", "Mikey, stop. You got 3 chances and she beat you in every single one of them. Let it go.", "It's just that... It's been awhile since someone's beat me." I sat down and patted his back. "Hey, if it makes you feel better, I was totally shitting my pants.", "Really?", "Totally. You're awesome but I'm just a little bit more awesome." He chuckled and noogied me. I got out of the hold and he said, "Whatever, if this was Halo, I would've won.", "No argument here." I said. "Alright, well, we have to do something for Dizzy's victorious battle with the Mighty Clifford." Ash joked. "Why don't we go out?" Luke asked. "Where do you wanna go?" Toni asked me. I thought a little and said, "Let's go get some chocolate."

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